When I was almost 3 I had to have all my teeth pulled out cuz they were so rotten. I don%26#039;t remember that, but I do remeber I had no teeth til I was in 3rd grade. When my adult teeth came in they were already rotten. I don%26#039;t have any enamel on my teeth and they were never very white. They%26#039;re more a sort of a brownish yellow, with dark brown places and holes in them. Pieces break off a lot and I had to have a lot of my back teeth pulled out already. What I have left is falling apart. I want to just have them all pulled out, but the dentist I went to said he wouldn%26#039;t do it cuz I%26#039;m only 12 and they can be saved but it will cost a lot. I%26#039;d rather go toothless like before than be stuck with ugly teeth that are always breaking, or sit thru alot of work. Besides my mom said it will cost almost as much as our house and we can%26#039;t afford it. My mom had all her teeth pulled out and she got fake teeth when she was in high school. I%26#039;d rather do that too, or just stay toothless like I was before.
I have really bad rotten teeth and they%26#039;re falling apart really bad. Anybody else ever have this?
I would imagine that having your teeth pulled out is about the only option along with replacing them with false teeth. The thing is that at your age your mouth is still growing which is probably one of the reasons your dentist is reluctant to do anything now. When the time comes you don%26#039;t have to make the most expensive choices . You can get false teeth at a reasonable price and they last a long time.I can only imagine how you must be feeling with such a dilemma. As hard as it is, try and be patient , the time will come when something can be done. In the meantime ..... I%26#039;ll wish for you the biggest most beautiful smiles : ) take care k
Reply:No, don%26#039;t do it. If you have lots of money, veneers are the way to go. But if you don%26#039;t, don%26#039;t consider transplants.
Don%26#039;t have no teeth, that%26#039;s such a turn off and worse than rotting teeth.
Reply:i added your question to my watch list because i am truly curious as to the cause of your problem and how you will handle it.
i am far older than you are and still have most of my teeth. my top teeth look very nice and straight, but because a dummy dentist pulled a bicuspid when i was a little girl and never put a bridge there (bottom), my bottom teeth came in crooked. they are gradually pulling apart. sometimes one will become abcessed and so painful i need to go to the emergency room--that pain can make you literally scream every time you move your mouth! i am certain that (since i never had an abcess up on the top teeth) this too is a result of never getting a bridge! if the teeth pull apart unnaturally, then germs can get into the gums a lot easier, so i think.
my goal is to keep my teeth. i know others that had all their teeth pulled because of some of the same problems that i have. but i do not need to have them pulled and will not: my friends that did get into pain from their dentures. when they take them out, their mouths pucker inward. some of my friends would rather wear chadors than let anyone see that they do not have natural teeth! they have pain chewing.
i hope you can, perhaps, get to a university-based dental clinic to get the work done. i really and truly suggest that you keep your natural teeth. a dentist would not say he refuses to pull them if he did not think that fixing them will be better for you in the future. you might also wish to speak to a therapist/psychologist about how you feel about yourself with this problem. it must be hard on you.
good luck!
Reply:i have never heard of this happening to children.i cant believe it.what caused this for you and your mom?i wish you luck.you can find a dentist that will take partial paymentsw also.
Reply:I am so sorry you have to go through this. I hope the best for you and keep your head up
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rotten teeth?
Tooth of my molars, in the past 2 weeks, have sort of crumbled away.
2 bottom molars on the right side, right next to one another. On the inside of the mouth.
Are my teeth rotting or is something else going on. What is my dentist going to say?
Rotten teeth?
your dentist will say. %26quot;You should have come sooner%26quot;......Lol
Reply:That you raelly need a sugery or something.
Reply:You%26#039;ll probably need to have them pulled. If they keep rotting in your mouth, the bacteria will build up causing a horrible smell and infection. This can lead to an abcess that can be dangerous and get into your bloodstream and spread to your brain. No joke.
Reply:Wow- that is terrible. Sounds like your teeth are rotting. Your dentist is going to wonder what you did to make your teeth rot. He is also going to be happy, b/c it means alot of money in his pocket..........
business finance
2 bottom molars on the right side, right next to one another. On the inside of the mouth.
Are my teeth rotting or is something else going on. What is my dentist going to say?
Rotten teeth?
your dentist will say. %26quot;You should have come sooner%26quot;......Lol
Reply:That you raelly need a sugery or something.
Reply:You%26#039;ll probably need to have them pulled. If they keep rotting in your mouth, the bacteria will build up causing a horrible smell and infection. This can lead to an abcess that can be dangerous and get into your bloodstream and spread to your brain. No joke.
Reply:Wow- that is terrible. Sounds like your teeth are rotting. Your dentist is going to wonder what you did to make your teeth rot. He is also going to be happy, b/c it means alot of money in his pocket..........
business finance
Rotten teeth?
My boyfriend has diabetes and when he was younger (22ish) didnt take care of himself and as a result has rotten teeth. Hes now 28. He often gets migraines and bad jaw aches but never wanted to see a dentist, as hes had bad experiences and previosly they told him the whole lot would need to go so he never went back to one. Ive finally convinced him he needs to do something about it. Can someone explain to me about dentures and other options available. Pretend like i know nothing about it and explain from the basics please. I dont understand the difference, do some come out at night while others stay in permanetly? What is the estimated cost of all this. I live in melbourne, australia. Does any one know what the waiting lists like for medicare to pay for it? We cant afford thoasands of dollars.
Please only people who know what they are talking about answer.
Rotten teeth?
I am a dental hygienist and this is just my opionion. For more accurate info consult the dentist that he will be going to.
I know that you are concern about money issues...dental schools are always looking for patients and they charge a lot less than dental offices.
Your boyfriend has diabetes...did you know that diabetes is a contributing factor to gum disease (periodontal disease)? Tell your boyfriend to not be ashamed of his mouth...we see it daily...plus he cannot help it. If one has diabetes he is likely to have poor teeth; however he can stop it now and help himself. When one has gum issues, you are always swollowing that bacteria and it is going throughout your body. There are proven facts that once his mouth is controlled his diabetes can be more under control as well as the rest of his body will be healthier! Get him to go to the dentist it is so important for his overall health!
Now onto the denture topic...Dentures are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past and usually the last resort. You want to save as many teeth as possible! If he can get restorations...do that first. If he has to get a root canal...get that before an extraction (pulling). He can look into crowns and bridges or partials. Crowns are pretty much caps that cover your teeth after the decay is removed. If they have to pull out teeth because they are too decayed and can%26#039;t be saved...he can get a bridge. Just picture what a real bridge looks like...this is what it kind of looks in the mouth... Pretend like you have three teeth and the one in the middle is missing, they cap the teeth you have and a have a fake tooth goes in the middle. All three are connected...hence the name bridge. They cannot be removed. I really hope this makes sense...I am trying my best. A partial is a %26quot;partial denture%26quot; it can be removed like a denture but only has the teeth attached to it that you are missing. So with a partial you have some fake teeth and some real teeth in your mouth. A denture is all your teeth are pulled and you this appliance has all 28 fake teeth (last resort)!!! Now there are implants. These are more expensive...you might be able to get them done at a dental school. This is what I would save for if I had to get teeth pulled. It is actually a titanium rod that they screw into your jaw and your bone actually grows around it. then they put a crown/cap over it and it looks like a real tooth:) The reason it is so good for the bone to grow around it is ...because when your tooth is missing you get boneloss and it keeps loosing bone overtime...with all the other appliances I described you can continue to get bone loss. You do not want this! It is not a good thing.
the bottom line is have him go to a a dentist and tell them you want options with a few different treatment plans and how much they will all cost...then take the treatment plan and go to a dental school and seewhat they can do and for the price. people want to make money...i%26#039;m sure different places will try to give you a better deal.
Good luck and I wish him the best! I hope he knows how lucky is his to have a girlfriend to do all this research for him:)
If you have any other questions go to ada.org
Reply:Oh dear god! I am going to the dentist at 8:30 this morning and I just know they are going to tell me that they are all gonna go! Oh my GOD!!!!!!
Reply:sure,i do..no problem.I just had all my upper teeth extracted 1 week ago today.I now have a brand new smile.Teeth look great now they tell me.For 2 years i went without a tooth up top,really sucked.My gums hurt.There were stitches in my upper gums for about 5 days,it is really hard to get used to this denture because there is a plate covering the whole part of my upper mouth.Anyways...just tell him there was no pain at all to have the extractions,he will probably be put to sleep.24 hours later though?,i%26#039;m not gonna lie.He will be feeling it.But will both be o.k....will live....good luck.
Reply:Loaded question.
As a dentist, I can help you a lot however, it will require some more information.
I%26#039;m putting info on dentures on my http://www.smileiq.com site in the future.
Check out dental implants, dentures, and fixing the teeth he has and using partial dentures.
Dentures present a whole new set of problems.
Be sure to understand them all before selecting.
Cost is hard to determine.
Most dentists will not go through all of your options because it will take too long.
Be prepared to pay for these procedures because they require a lot of work on the dentists part. Pay for their skill, knowledge, and services
Reply:well i have done alot o research on this because i am about to do the same thing im going to get a denture, well two options they pull the teeth then stick a denture in right away then over time you have to go in to get thenm adjusted or they pull them out over a period of time then have to scrape off the gums to fit the denture, i am in the usa and here its about $5000 to pull and get one upper or lower denture i cant afford it so im going to mexico will cost $900 or so, and you in australia not sure how much it costs there if i wer you i would go to philippines or your closest 3rd world country, get them pulled get a denture put in then back in aussie land have dentist there adjust them cost alot less
car makes
Please only people who know what they are talking about answer.
Rotten teeth?
I am a dental hygienist and this is just my opionion. For more accurate info consult the dentist that he will be going to.
I know that you are concern about money issues...dental schools are always looking for patients and they charge a lot less than dental offices.
Your boyfriend has diabetes...did you know that diabetes is a contributing factor to gum disease (periodontal disease)? Tell your boyfriend to not be ashamed of his mouth...we see it daily...plus he cannot help it. If one has diabetes he is likely to have poor teeth; however he can stop it now and help himself. When one has gum issues, you are always swollowing that bacteria and it is going throughout your body. There are proven facts that once his mouth is controlled his diabetes can be more under control as well as the rest of his body will be healthier! Get him to go to the dentist it is so important for his overall health!
Now onto the denture topic...Dentures are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past and usually the last resort. You want to save as many teeth as possible! If he can get restorations...do that first. If he has to get a root canal...get that before an extraction (pulling). He can look into crowns and bridges or partials. Crowns are pretty much caps that cover your teeth after the decay is removed. If they have to pull out teeth because they are too decayed and can%26#039;t be saved...he can get a bridge. Just picture what a real bridge looks like...this is what it kind of looks in the mouth... Pretend like you have three teeth and the one in the middle is missing, they cap the teeth you have and a have a fake tooth goes in the middle. All three are connected...hence the name bridge. They cannot be removed. I really hope this makes sense...I am trying my best. A partial is a %26quot;partial denture%26quot; it can be removed like a denture but only has the teeth attached to it that you are missing. So with a partial you have some fake teeth and some real teeth in your mouth. A denture is all your teeth are pulled and you this appliance has all 28 fake teeth (last resort)!!! Now there are implants. These are more expensive...you might be able to get them done at a dental school. This is what I would save for if I had to get teeth pulled. It is actually a titanium rod that they screw into your jaw and your bone actually grows around it. then they put a crown/cap over it and it looks like a real tooth:) The reason it is so good for the bone to grow around it is ...because when your tooth is missing you get boneloss and it keeps loosing bone overtime...with all the other appliances I described you can continue to get bone loss. You do not want this! It is not a good thing.
the bottom line is have him go to a a dentist and tell them you want options with a few different treatment plans and how much they will all cost...then take the treatment plan and go to a dental school and seewhat they can do and for the price. people want to make money...i%26#039;m sure different places will try to give you a better deal.
Good luck and I wish him the best! I hope he knows how lucky is his to have a girlfriend to do all this research for him:)
If you have any other questions go to ada.org
Reply:Oh dear god! I am going to the dentist at 8:30 this morning and I just know they are going to tell me that they are all gonna go! Oh my GOD!!!!!!
Reply:sure,i do..no problem.I just had all my upper teeth extracted 1 week ago today.I now have a brand new smile.Teeth look great now they tell me.For 2 years i went without a tooth up top,really sucked.My gums hurt.There were stitches in my upper gums for about 5 days,it is really hard to get used to this denture because there is a plate covering the whole part of my upper mouth.Anyways...just tell him there was no pain at all to have the extractions,he will probably be put to sleep.24 hours later though?,i%26#039;m not gonna lie.He will be feeling it.But will both be o.k....will live....good luck.
Reply:Loaded question.
As a dentist, I can help you a lot however, it will require some more information.
I%26#039;m putting info on dentures on my http://www.smileiq.com site in the future.
Check out dental implants, dentures, and fixing the teeth he has and using partial dentures.
Dentures present a whole new set of problems.
Be sure to understand them all before selecting.
Cost is hard to determine.
Most dentists will not go through all of your options because it will take too long.
Be prepared to pay for these procedures because they require a lot of work on the dentists part. Pay for their skill, knowledge, and services
Reply:well i have done alot o research on this because i am about to do the same thing im going to get a denture, well two options they pull the teeth then stick a denture in right away then over time you have to go in to get thenm adjusted or they pull them out over a period of time then have to scrape off the gums to fit the denture, i am in the usa and here its about $5000 to pull and get one upper or lower denture i cant afford it so im going to mexico will cost $900 or so, and you in australia not sure how much it costs there if i wer you i would go to philippines or your closest 3rd world country, get them pulled get a denture put in then back in aussie land have dentist there adjust them cost alot less
car makes
Rotten teeth?
It%26#039;s kind of weird, but last night, I dreamt that I had my brother%26#039;s teeth in me, and it was rotten.
And in real life, I%26#039;ve been in realllll bad issue against my family. What is that dream trying to tell me? I%26#039;m not even lying to my family...I%26#039;ve been telling them the truth...
Rotten teeth?
Last night... I had a dream about becoming a millionaire.. Do you think that dream meant anything? I think not. It%26#039;s a dream dude.. Chill out.
Reply:inside you fear your brother hurting you it hasn%26#039;t happened yet and is a feeling that is real deep so you probably don%26#039;t notice it but you are just concerned for your brothers well being.
Reply:dreams have nothing to do with reality...
dreams are the thoughts that go round your mind while sleeping...
Reply:according to the books, Teeth can relate to money problems. Perhaps your brother has money issues??? or it could mean you are worried about your brother/family.
I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;re dream can tell you anything that you don%26#039;t already know, you are worried about this problem with your family, solve it if you can, or just take each day as it comes. Look for friends to help you and ask for help. Being honest is ALWAYS best.
Reply:yeah man
Reply:It means your being indecisive. Maybe you are also being too nice to tell them the real truth?
Reply:Rotten teeth mean sickness among close relatives
i had a horrible dream that i had rotten teeth.
and one of them was shaped like texas
omg horrible horrible
And in real life, I%26#039;ve been in realllll bad issue against my family. What is that dream trying to tell me? I%26#039;m not even lying to my family...I%26#039;ve been telling them the truth...
Rotten teeth?
Last night... I had a dream about becoming a millionaire.. Do you think that dream meant anything? I think not. It%26#039;s a dream dude.. Chill out.
Reply:inside you fear your brother hurting you it hasn%26#039;t happened yet and is a feeling that is real deep so you probably don%26#039;t notice it but you are just concerned for your brothers well being.
Reply:dreams have nothing to do with reality...
dreams are the thoughts that go round your mind while sleeping...
Reply:according to the books, Teeth can relate to money problems. Perhaps your brother has money issues??? or it could mean you are worried about your brother/family.
I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;re dream can tell you anything that you don%26#039;t already know, you are worried about this problem with your family, solve it if you can, or just take each day as it comes. Look for friends to help you and ask for help. Being honest is ALWAYS best.
Reply:yeah man
Reply:It means your being indecisive. Maybe you are also being too nice to tell them the real truth?
Reply:Rotten teeth mean sickness among close relatives
i had a horrible dream that i had rotten teeth.
and one of them was shaped like texas
omg horrible horrible
Rotten teeth?
i have a few rotten teeth in my mouth they dont cause me any pain would they cause bad breath in the mornings? also if they dont cause me any pain now will they get worse they have been like it for over a year. what will happen would they eventually fall out? just to confirm all my teeth arnt rotten just two of them one on the top and other on the bottom i went through a phase of not looking after my teeht and regret it now
Rotten teeth?
see a dentist right away, there are other things a dentis can spot not just tooth decay. There are a lot of other diseases that they can trace.
Reply:what can that business of rotten teeth mean?Don%26#039;t you have stomach pains yet?
Reply:go get them worked on NOW! It%26#039;ll be cheaper and less painful to take care of them now before they get to the point where they hurt. And yeah that could cause bad breath, but so could poor brushing, not flossing, not using mouthwash daily, or gum problems. Best to be on the safe side and get a checkup.
Reply:rotten teeth stink. get to the dentist right away so they might be saved.
Reply:Go to http://www.oceansurgical.com.au/HighCost... to find out more on this topic
Rotten teeth?
see a dentist right away, there are other things a dentis can spot not just tooth decay. There are a lot of other diseases that they can trace.
Reply:what can that business of rotten teeth mean?Don%26#039;t you have stomach pains yet?
Reply:go get them worked on NOW! It%26#039;ll be cheaper and less painful to take care of them now before they get to the point where they hurt. And yeah that could cause bad breath, but so could poor brushing, not flossing, not using mouthwash daily, or gum problems. Best to be on the safe side and get a checkup.
Reply:rotten teeth stink. get to the dentist right away so they might be saved.
Reply:Go to http://www.oceansurgical.com.au/HighCost... to find out more on this topic
Rotten teeth?
i have a few rotten teeth in my mouth they dont cause me any pain would they cause bad breath in the mornings? also if they dont cause me any pain now will they get worse they have been like it for over a year. what will happen would they eventually fall out? just to confirm all my teeth arnt rotten just two of them one on the top and other on the bottom i went through a phase of not looking after my teeht and regret it now
Rotten teeth?
Get them removed, you will feel much better for it, and not have these worries. Teeth with roots like that dont fall out, just give abcesses.
And yes they will smell.
Reply:p the bad ones will give you stinky breath
Reply:Get yourself to the dentist and get them removed. They will cause horrible breath and you could end up with abcesses on your gums that can cause all sorts of complications.
Reply:please go to a dentist and have this sorted out. they cant be very attractive can they? you will have to have them attended to eventually or you could get abscesses or very bad blood poisoning. be brave. i am terrified of dentists and forced myself to go. glad i did. good luck
Reply:brush ur teeth grandad
Reply:Dentist NOW you wuss
Reply:It might be a definite cause for your bad breaths. You might not feel any pains right now but I%26#039;m sure that if you%26#039;ll not have an interest in getting into a dentist in six months, you might have the unforgettable and not-wishing-to-come-back pain of your entire existence here on earth.
Reply:The best thing is to go to a dentist and get them removed. If they get infected you could be in agony - honestly it will be worse than going to the dentist if they do get infected!
Reply:My advice is to go the dentist, have the rotten teen covered with crowns or removed. Then, in the future, go for a check up every six months without fail. Also, go to the hygenist every six months. You must look after your teeth - you%26#039;ll regret it when you are older if you don%26#039;t!
Reply:Yes rotten teeth can cause bad breath. You really should get your teeth seen to, even if they aren%26#039;t bothering you at the moment. They will get worse over time, and you could be left with all sorts of nasty problems like abscesses, which can be very dangerous.
Believe me I know, I left it too long before getting dental treatment once, and I regretted it very much afterwards.
Reply:Yes they can cause bad breath, they may not cause you any pain..........yet!!! They will at some time. You can also get infections at the root of them that could even require hospitalisation (it%26#039;s happened to me at least three times now!!) It%26#039;s also likely that they will get worse, as even if you%26#039;re brushing bacteria and plaque can bury into the cavities and cause even more erosion.
Reply:i had a horrible fear of the dentist from when i was 5 and i hadnt been at all till 4 week ago (im 26 by the way) i have started to get my teeth sorted and i am so glad i did its hard to go at first but bite the bullet and go u will feel better for it.also u never know if ur rotten teeth are at the front they mayb able to put a false one there and give u back ur smile
Reply:As its already been pointed out to you by all above ,i won%26#039;t harp on about decay and abscesses.But i would like to mention that bad teeth runs in family%26#039;s passed on by kissing.Not nice for your partner eh%26#039;.
Reply:I recommend you visit a dentist ASAP to have your teeth checked and fixed. Ignoring dental problems will not fix the problem, it%26#039;ll only get worse with time. Your dentist may perform a rootcanal therapy to save your teeth. Please don%26#039;t wait until a tooth extraction is the only option.
Rotten teeth?
Get them removed, you will feel much better for it, and not have these worries. Teeth with roots like that dont fall out, just give abcesses.
And yes they will smell.
Reply:p the bad ones will give you stinky breath
Reply:Get yourself to the dentist and get them removed. They will cause horrible breath and you could end up with abcesses on your gums that can cause all sorts of complications.
Reply:please go to a dentist and have this sorted out. they cant be very attractive can they? you will have to have them attended to eventually or you could get abscesses or very bad blood poisoning. be brave. i am terrified of dentists and forced myself to go. glad i did. good luck
Reply:brush ur teeth grandad
Reply:Dentist NOW you wuss
Reply:It might be a definite cause for your bad breaths. You might not feel any pains right now but I%26#039;m sure that if you%26#039;ll not have an interest in getting into a dentist in six months, you might have the unforgettable and not-wishing-to-come-back pain of your entire existence here on earth.
Reply:The best thing is to go to a dentist and get them removed. If they get infected you could be in agony - honestly it will be worse than going to the dentist if they do get infected!
Reply:My advice is to go the dentist, have the rotten teen covered with crowns or removed. Then, in the future, go for a check up every six months without fail. Also, go to the hygenist every six months. You must look after your teeth - you%26#039;ll regret it when you are older if you don%26#039;t!
Reply:Yes rotten teeth can cause bad breath. You really should get your teeth seen to, even if they aren%26#039;t bothering you at the moment. They will get worse over time, and you could be left with all sorts of nasty problems like abscesses, which can be very dangerous.
Believe me I know, I left it too long before getting dental treatment once, and I regretted it very much afterwards.
Reply:Yes they can cause bad breath, they may not cause you any pain..........yet!!! They will at some time. You can also get infections at the root of them that could even require hospitalisation (it%26#039;s happened to me at least three times now!!) It%26#039;s also likely that they will get worse, as even if you%26#039;re brushing bacteria and plaque can bury into the cavities and cause even more erosion.
Reply:i had a horrible fear of the dentist from when i was 5 and i hadnt been at all till 4 week ago (im 26 by the way) i have started to get my teeth sorted and i am so glad i did its hard to go at first but bite the bullet and go u will feel better for it.also u never know if ur rotten teeth are at the front they mayb able to put a false one there and give u back ur smile
Reply:As its already been pointed out to you by all above ,i won%26#039;t harp on about decay and abscesses.But i would like to mention that bad teeth runs in family%26#039;s passed on by kissing.Not nice for your partner eh%26#039;.
Reply:I recommend you visit a dentist ASAP to have your teeth checked and fixed. Ignoring dental problems will not fix the problem, it%26#039;ll only get worse with time. Your dentist may perform a rootcanal therapy to save your teeth. Please don%26#039;t wait until a tooth extraction is the only option.
Rotten teeth?
I haven%26#039;t been to the dentist in a long time and my teeth look alright at the front, but all the back teeth are quite rotten, you can see they%26#039;re really bad when I open my mouth.
I know it%26#039;s my own fault cos I didn%26#039;t look after them enough and I ate too much sugar and things, but they%26#039;re starting to hurt me now. I can%26#039;t afford to pay to get them fixed though, I%26#039;m a single mum with 5 kids and money%26#039;s really tight since my husband left.
My kids have got pretty bad teeth as well, they all probably need fillings done but I can%26#039;t find a dentist to take us on the NHS and I can%26#039;t afford to go private.
What should I do? My teeth are really bad and they hurt as well now. And I%26#039;m worried about my kids teeth too.
Rotten teeth?
Hi Lauren - sorry to hear about your teeth problems, I agree that it is expensive to keep everything in check. There should be an NHS dentist somewhere in your vicinty. I suggest looking on Yell.com for dentists in your town and calling them in turn asking for an NHS slot on their books (this is how I got mine, it did take me a while but got there after about 5 calls).
If I remember rightly from the receptionists desks, forms are available for you to receive assistance with funding, I think your best bet is once you get a slot, go in (whether or not you get an appointment straight away) and ask. This way you know straight up how much money youre looking at to get yourself and your little %26#039;uns sorted.
Moneys tight for me too, and theres only me and my other half to look after, but I think setting a little aside every week / month for the purposes of health would be good so you know that you can get treatment. Once youve got the problems sorted, try and go every 6 months / 1 year and this will keep future problems in check. I didnt do this, left it 5 years, and consequently had a HUGE bill to get my teeth back in good order. Good luck chick
Reply:There has to be some provision for people in that situation.
Check it out with welfare as soon as you can.
Wish you the best of luck.
Reply:Please tell me where you live so I can call CPS, if you cannot take care of your kids, then maybe they should be with someone who can.
Reply:your best bet to find a nhs dentist in your area is to go on www.nhs.uk you can then see if there is any dentists in your area taking patients.
have you tried going to the job centre if your on a low income you can get help with dental treatments, pescriptions and some bills.
its worth a try, im sure everything will work out for the best in the end. good luck in the future, and don%26#039;t worry there will always be people there to support you if you ask.
Reply:Below is something I have copied and pasted from the British Dental Association website. I hope they will be able to help you.
If you have an enquiry about your dental health or treatment please contact the British Dental Health Foundation%26#039;s Word of Mouth Helpline on 0870 333 1188
Reply:for yours if you call the nhs direct line they can give you the number for a local emergency surgery because they are causing you pain as for your kids they have now introduced a link between dental surgeries an schools ask at your kids schools to see if this has started there as my daughter is seen by the school dentist both in and out of school so if it has they can tell you which dentist it is. if not the nhs direct should give you the names of all dentists in your area accepting nhs.
Reply:You should get in touch with the National Health Service, they will keep you right, you should qualfy for free NHS treatment. I hope you find someone to treat you, there%26#039;s nothing worse than sore teeth. As for the last numpty who answered your question they should go get a life, sad B!
Reply:teeth are rarely covered for adults under any kind of state healthcare i nalmost any country...even canada. the reason is that the state knows that your teeth are your responsibility to take care of. sucks to be you.
Reply:You should call your local Health department of community health services, or even a hospital. Tell them your situation, and I%26#039;m sure there are services available for you. We have a clinic in my town that does services based on your income and expenses. Just ask (locally) there is help. Even a catholic outreach or local church may be able to help, but get it taken care of right away!
Reply:If you are in real pain, you could attend at your local A%26amp;E hospital who could then offer you some treatment and maybe refer you to a specialist in the NHS for further treatment, othewise your only other option is to pay privately for treatment.
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I know it%26#039;s my own fault cos I didn%26#039;t look after them enough and I ate too much sugar and things, but they%26#039;re starting to hurt me now. I can%26#039;t afford to pay to get them fixed though, I%26#039;m a single mum with 5 kids and money%26#039;s really tight since my husband left.
My kids have got pretty bad teeth as well, they all probably need fillings done but I can%26#039;t find a dentist to take us on the NHS and I can%26#039;t afford to go private.
What should I do? My teeth are really bad and they hurt as well now. And I%26#039;m worried about my kids teeth too.
Rotten teeth?
Hi Lauren - sorry to hear about your teeth problems, I agree that it is expensive to keep everything in check. There should be an NHS dentist somewhere in your vicinty. I suggest looking on Yell.com for dentists in your town and calling them in turn asking for an NHS slot on their books (this is how I got mine, it did take me a while but got there after about 5 calls).
If I remember rightly from the receptionists desks, forms are available for you to receive assistance with funding, I think your best bet is once you get a slot, go in (whether or not you get an appointment straight away) and ask. This way you know straight up how much money youre looking at to get yourself and your little %26#039;uns sorted.
Moneys tight for me too, and theres only me and my other half to look after, but I think setting a little aside every week / month for the purposes of health would be good so you know that you can get treatment. Once youve got the problems sorted, try and go every 6 months / 1 year and this will keep future problems in check. I didnt do this, left it 5 years, and consequently had a HUGE bill to get my teeth back in good order. Good luck chick
Reply:There has to be some provision for people in that situation.
Check it out with welfare as soon as you can.
Wish you the best of luck.
Reply:Please tell me where you live so I can call CPS, if you cannot take care of your kids, then maybe they should be with someone who can.
Reply:your best bet to find a nhs dentist in your area is to go on www.nhs.uk you can then see if there is any dentists in your area taking patients.
have you tried going to the job centre if your on a low income you can get help with dental treatments, pescriptions and some bills.
its worth a try, im sure everything will work out for the best in the end. good luck in the future, and don%26#039;t worry there will always be people there to support you if you ask.
Reply:Below is something I have copied and pasted from the British Dental Association website. I hope they will be able to help you.
If you have an enquiry about your dental health or treatment please contact the British Dental Health Foundation%26#039;s Word of Mouth Helpline on 0870 333 1188
Reply:for yours if you call the nhs direct line they can give you the number for a local emergency surgery because they are causing you pain as for your kids they have now introduced a link between dental surgeries an schools ask at your kids schools to see if this has started there as my daughter is seen by the school dentist both in and out of school so if it has they can tell you which dentist it is. if not the nhs direct should give you the names of all dentists in your area accepting nhs.
Reply:You should get in touch with the National Health Service, they will keep you right, you should qualfy for free NHS treatment. I hope you find someone to treat you, there%26#039;s nothing worse than sore teeth. As for the last numpty who answered your question they should go get a life, sad B!
Reply:teeth are rarely covered for adults under any kind of state healthcare i nalmost any country...even canada. the reason is that the state knows that your teeth are your responsibility to take care of. sucks to be you.
Reply:You should call your local Health department of community health services, or even a hospital. Tell them your situation, and I%26#039;m sure there are services available for you. We have a clinic in my town that does services based on your income and expenses. Just ask (locally) there is help. Even a catholic outreach or local church may be able to help, but get it taken care of right away!
Reply:If you are in real pain, you could attend at your local A%26amp;E hospital who could then offer you some treatment and maybe refer you to a specialist in the NHS for further treatment, othewise your only other option is to pay privately for treatment.
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