Root Canal Surgery or Extraction of the tooth? I'm a 15 year old male and its one of my adult teeth ( i have no baby teeth left). It is completely rotten on the inside and i have attempted to have root canal, but have to stop it during because of the pain. Is it better in the long run for me to have it extracted? Will that hurt more or less?
Which is more painful for a very rotten tooth?
As a dentist, if you haven't had other teeth removed, its ok to lose one tooth.
I'd most likely extract it.Be done with it
Reply:extractions best
Reply:I think that it's probably for the best to have it removed,
I'm sure that you're dentist will give you all the details of it.
Thank you,
And I hope you feel better soon.
Reply:root canal is way more painful. best really to just lose the tooth.
Reply:Some people need to have injections for a root canal - did your dentist not offer this?
My dentist reckons that I'm his only patient who opts to have it done without anaesthetic.
Reply:Have the tooth removed and then speak to your dentist about what to have it filled with like a bridge or an implant.
I have just left mine as a gap because it is on the left hand side of my mouth and doesn't affect eating.
I had mine taken out because it was a baby tooth that had no adult tooth underneath and it was getting gradually more rotten because it was so weak.
Plus once you have a horrible experience at the dentist it will make you want to look after your teeth so you never have to go through it again.
Reply:Find another dentist, no treatment should be painful these days. It's always best to keep your own teeth as long as possible. Good luck.
Reply:root canals shouldnt be painful,mine wasnt,but they do weaken the tooth,they cost alot and then a crown cost lots of $,and in the end I had to have the tooth pulled anyway it cost 50$,I was over it in less than a week,with just a few pain pills.If I had known I would have had it pulled to start with!
Reply:Extraction can be painful, but you can have pain killer, and it's over and done with in half hour, where as root canal takes weeks of visits, which are painful, but at 15 years old it will look silly having a tooth missing so if you have an extraction you will need a bridge, which is a false tooth fixed to the teeth either side of the one taken out or a tooth with a screw thread that is screwed into you jaw bone. not good either way but because of your age i would say have the canal work done, long term it looks better to save your real teeth. good luck, it always seems worst than it is, you'll be ok
Reply:Root canal is the best. It doesn't hurt at all, they give you anesthetic. If you feel pain let the dentist know and he will fix you up. When it's done, it's like a permanent tooth, brush and floss like normal.
Reply:I really cannot understand why root canal treatment hurt you. Surely the dentist offered you a numbing injection?
At your age I'd urge you to save your tooth if at all possible. It will look totally natural, last for years and you'll have no gaps.
Reply:Saving your natural teeth is the very best option, if possible.
You're too young for loosing a tooth. Don't have it extracted!!
Have a look at:
Reply:There is no substitute for your own natural teeth and a dentist will do what ever he/she can to try and save a tooth.
Root treatment is usually a last resort and yes it can be painful during and after.
Normally during the root treatment if a patient is experiencing pain, the dentist injects a local anaesthetic directly into the tooth, this can be fairly unpleasant but the sensation only lasts for a few seconds and help's to numb the inside of the tooth so the dentist is able to carry out the procedure.
I have been a Registered Dental Nurse for more years than i care to remember and assist my dentist with root treatment on a daily basis and can count on one hand the number of people who have been unable to carry on with their root treatment due to the pain factor and have opted to have the tooth extracted.
If you really feel that root treatment is not for you explain your concerns to your dentist and if he/she is in agreement with you, you can ask for the tooth to be removed.
Reply:save your tooth if you have a choice, therefore go for a root canal surgery. anyways they are going to use a local anethesic
Reply:Get it extracted nothing is worse pain than root canal I will never go through that again. It's horrific. GET IT PULLED!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Can wisdom teeth be black/grey colour coming through, is it because its rotten?
My last wisdom tooth come through has been agony for the last few days, I am making an emergency appointment tomorrow. The pain is radiating all round my mouth and the lower part of my gums are very red. I can see the top part of the tooth and it looks grey/black - does this mean its rotten? Its still firmly sitting in my swollen gum! Thanks
Can wisdom teeth be black/grey colour coming through, is it because its rotten?
Unfortunately it does sound like the tooth is probably decayed if it's grey/black in colour. I think it's fairly common with wisdom teeth for them to become decayed while they are still only partially erupted, and there's not much you can do to stop it from happening really.
Get that appointment as soon as possible so that you won't be in pain over Christmas, in the meantime salt water rinses (although disgusting) might help with the inflammation of the gum, and you can always try clove oil/bonjela as well. Hope you feel better soon!!
Reply:The pain is radiating because all teeth share a common big trunk of nerve called the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve). The pain you are experiencing is called reffered pain.
That is an early sign that your tooth must be rotten. Worse, the adjacent tooth might be affected also, especially if the impaction approximates the tooth beside it.
The tooth is firm because sometimes a tooth can be ankylosed to the bone.
Hope this helps.
Reply:It sounds very likely you will lose it . I had the same problem.
Can wisdom teeth be black/grey colour coming through, is it because its rotten?
Unfortunately it does sound like the tooth is probably decayed if it's grey/black in colour. I think it's fairly common with wisdom teeth for them to become decayed while they are still only partially erupted, and there's not much you can do to stop it from happening really.
Get that appointment as soon as possible so that you won't be in pain over Christmas, in the meantime salt water rinses (although disgusting) might help with the inflammation of the gum, and you can always try clove oil/bonjela as well. Hope you feel better soon!!
Reply:The pain is radiating because all teeth share a common big trunk of nerve called the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve). The pain you are experiencing is called reffered pain.
That is an early sign that your tooth must be rotten. Worse, the adjacent tooth might be affected also, especially if the impaction approximates the tooth beside it.
The tooth is firm because sometimes a tooth can be ankylosed to the bone.
Hope this helps.
Reply:It sounds very likely you will lose it . I had the same problem.
Rotten tooth, inflammation?
I have a rotten tooth at the upper part, far back of my teeth. ( i don't know what it's called LOL). Just this pas 4 days it swollen up and became painful. I drank ibuprofens and now the pain is gone, but there's still inflammations. I wonder if i could take this Amoxil 500mg for my tooth? any suggestions or opinions? thank you all!
PS: I just need a first hand treatment for the swelling of gums. Then i'll go to the dentist after to get it pulled.
Rotten tooth, inflammation?
You have an abcess! Which is an extremely bad infection. If you have to wait take the amoxicillin as prescribed until you go to the dentist. That will help with most of the inflammation. Ibuprofen is a good idea as well. Because your gums are involved the infection could have spread to them as well. Look in your mouth for any area that looks like it is the most swollen and if it doesn't hurt to much put pressure against it with your fingers to see if there is any drainage. If so then see if you can get to the dentist any earlier, they may have to open the gums and drain the infection completely before you can heal.
Reply:Get yourself to the dentist. He is qualified to see exactly what is going on with your teeth and gums. Don't full around with these things. This can lead to inflamation in your arteries and affect your overall health in the long run.
Reply:Amoxil will help if its a bacterial infection, because i had to take that when i had to have a root canal. go to the dentist and find out
PS: I just need a first hand treatment for the swelling of gums. Then i'll go to the dentist after to get it pulled.
Rotten tooth, inflammation?
You have an abcess! Which is an extremely bad infection. If you have to wait take the amoxicillin as prescribed until you go to the dentist. That will help with most of the inflammation. Ibuprofen is a good idea as well. Because your gums are involved the infection could have spread to them as well. Look in your mouth for any area that looks like it is the most swollen and if it doesn't hurt to much put pressure against it with your fingers to see if there is any drainage. If so then see if you can get to the dentist any earlier, they may have to open the gums and drain the infection completely before you can heal.
Reply:Get yourself to the dentist. He is qualified to see exactly what is going on with your teeth and gums. Don't full around with these things. This can lead to inflamation in your arteries and affect your overall health in the long run.
Reply:Amoxil will help if its a bacterial infection, because i had to take that when i had to have a root canal. go to the dentist and find out
Rotten tooth?
I just got my braces taken off the other day and when the orthodontist took the metal ring off one of my back teeth it was really sore and he said there was a big cavity in it and I'd have to go to the dentist.
It's still hurting a lot and I loooked in the mirror and it looks really rotten where the ring was, the front side of it has kind of broken off when he pulled the ring off the tooth and it's all kind of brown round about it.
Will the dentist be able to put a filling in it or will I need to get it pulled out? The orthodontist said it was quite bad and I had to go to the dentist this week sometime. And how did it happen? I brushed my teeth all the time when I had my braces on.
Rotten tooth?
The only person who can tell you if you need to have your tooth removed is a dentist who can actually see your tooth. Please ignore all the answers saying that you need your tooth pulled, because these people are not dentists and they can't evaluate your tooth without seeing it. If you don't have a toothache, I doubt it will have to be pulled. In fact, if you are willing to have the nerve removed (WORST CASE!!!), I am sure it won't have to be removed.
Reply:If its rotten it may need to be pulled.
Reply:Possibly have to have it pulled out hunny, doesnt sound good, they may fill it but it will be a huge filling, i had the same happen and now have a gap where my tooth once was, when he explained how big the filling would be and that it wouldnt last long i decided it would be quicker and easier to get rid.
Quite brave for someone who has a big fear of dentist!
Reply:i dont know how it happend but you should go to orthodontist asap, and i think also that your orth is kinda not good , coz mine always fixes tooths of his customers when he noticed that there is something wrong.
so dont sit in front of PC go to detist. Its your tooth!! you wont have another!
Reply:Unfortunately, if the nerve is dead or it's too far gone, you'll probably need a root canal(cost: $1200-3000USD) and perhaps a "cap"(another 2 grand) yikes! Didn't he see this happening when he was checking your teeth out all these months? Doesn't sound like a very good Doc to me...
Reply:Go see your dentist again.
Reply:wow, I had that happen on both my bottom back molars. It sounds like you aren't going to be lucky enough to just have it filled. Since you just got braces off, either you have good insurance or your parents have a desent amount of money which means you will most likley be getting a ROOT CANAL. What this will do is 1) Save your tooth 2) cut off feelings from the tooth %26amp; 3) cost a LOT of money It will hurt, but less than actually having a tooth pulled ( I should know I've had a root canal %26amp; my wisdom teeth pulled %26amp; 2 others when i was a kid cuz they were extra or something). It is NO fun, but not the worst thing to have happen in your mouth. Good luck %26amp; try not to worry about it too much.
Reply:Hi,, sometimes things just happen for no good reason,, i found a small cavity yesterday myself....
Brushing helps,, but sometimes ,, why I dont know,, you just still get a cavity,, I agree with your Ortho guy,,, go to the dentist as soon as possible,,, let him determine what to do.... if they can , they will put in a filling,,, if it is too big and bad,,, they can do a root canal and put on a crown ... and No, the root canal does Not hurt,,,, i promise you.. i have had several .....
If you dont go ,, soon the decay will attact the nerve in the tooth and an abcess will arise and you will have a tooth ache....then thats no fun....
Good luck.....
Reply:get it pulled, it sounds to far gone to be repaired.
Reply:Depending on how your tooth looks like (bad),tell them to save it first, .with fillings , pull out is the last resort
Reply:go to the dentist asap.the longer you leave the problem the worse it may get.With any luck the dentist may be able to save your any case your dentist is the only one who can sort your tooth out.
pearl necklace
It's still hurting a lot and I loooked in the mirror and it looks really rotten where the ring was, the front side of it has kind of broken off when he pulled the ring off the tooth and it's all kind of brown round about it.
Will the dentist be able to put a filling in it or will I need to get it pulled out? The orthodontist said it was quite bad and I had to go to the dentist this week sometime. And how did it happen? I brushed my teeth all the time when I had my braces on.
Rotten tooth?
The only person who can tell you if you need to have your tooth removed is a dentist who can actually see your tooth. Please ignore all the answers saying that you need your tooth pulled, because these people are not dentists and they can't evaluate your tooth without seeing it. If you don't have a toothache, I doubt it will have to be pulled. In fact, if you are willing to have the nerve removed (WORST CASE!!!), I am sure it won't have to be removed.
Reply:If its rotten it may need to be pulled.
Reply:Possibly have to have it pulled out hunny, doesnt sound good, they may fill it but it will be a huge filling, i had the same happen and now have a gap where my tooth once was, when he explained how big the filling would be and that it wouldnt last long i decided it would be quicker and easier to get rid.
Quite brave for someone who has a big fear of dentist!
Reply:i dont know how it happend but you should go to orthodontist asap, and i think also that your orth is kinda not good , coz mine always fixes tooths of his customers when he noticed that there is something wrong.
so dont sit in front of PC go to detist. Its your tooth!! you wont have another!
Reply:Unfortunately, if the nerve is dead or it's too far gone, you'll probably need a root canal(cost: $1200-3000USD) and perhaps a "cap"(another 2 grand) yikes! Didn't he see this happening when he was checking your teeth out all these months? Doesn't sound like a very good Doc to me...
Reply:Go see your dentist again.
Reply:wow, I had that happen on both my bottom back molars. It sounds like you aren't going to be lucky enough to just have it filled. Since you just got braces off, either you have good insurance or your parents have a desent amount of money which means you will most likley be getting a ROOT CANAL. What this will do is 1) Save your tooth 2) cut off feelings from the tooth %26amp; 3) cost a LOT of money It will hurt, but less than actually having a tooth pulled ( I should know I've had a root canal %26amp; my wisdom teeth pulled %26amp; 2 others when i was a kid cuz they were extra or something). It is NO fun, but not the worst thing to have happen in your mouth. Good luck %26amp; try not to worry about it too much.
Reply:Hi,, sometimes things just happen for no good reason,, i found a small cavity yesterday myself....
Brushing helps,, but sometimes ,, why I dont know,, you just still get a cavity,, I agree with your Ortho guy,,, go to the dentist as soon as possible,,, let him determine what to do.... if they can , they will put in a filling,,, if it is too big and bad,,, they can do a root canal and put on a crown ... and No, the root canal does Not hurt,,,, i promise you.. i have had several .....
If you dont go ,, soon the decay will attact the nerve in the tooth and an abcess will arise and you will have a tooth ache....then thats no fun....
Good luck.....
Reply:get it pulled, it sounds to far gone to be repaired.
Reply:Depending on how your tooth looks like (bad),tell them to save it first, .with fillings , pull out is the last resort
Reply:go to the dentist asap.the longer you leave the problem the worse it may get.With any luck the dentist may be able to save your any case your dentist is the only one who can sort your tooth out.
pearl necklace
My teeth are all rotten but one has a smelly puss coming out of it what is this?
My teeth are all rotten but one has a smelly puss coming out of it what is this?
an abcess
Reply:Its called a vapid puss filled infection. good luck with that.
Reply:What do you think. It's a bad infection Go see a Dentist.
My teeth are all rotten but one has a smelly puss coming out of it what is this?
an abcess
Reply:Its called a vapid puss filled infection. good luck with that.
Reply:What do you think. It's a bad infection Go see a Dentist.
Should I have my rotten charcoal briquette teeth pulled so I can fit more *you know what* in my mouth?
My boyfriends and my babydaddys say I should.
Should I have my rotten charcoal briquette teeth pulled so I can fit more *you know what* in my mouth?
Best plan for a girl like you, I should think
Reply:yes sweety
Reply:No. Good dentistry can do a nice repair job on even bad teeth, and dentures are a nuisance.
Reply:yes but not for that reason, the gums are an access to the body for all kinds of problems, see your dentist and take care of this issue before they become a greater issue!
performing arts
Should I have my rotten charcoal briquette teeth pulled so I can fit more *you know what* in my mouth?
Best plan for a girl like you, I should think
Reply:yes sweety
Reply:No. Good dentistry can do a nice repair job on even bad teeth, and dentures are a nuisance.
Reply:yes but not for that reason, the gums are an access to the body for all kinds of problems, see your dentist and take care of this issue before they become a greater issue!
performing arts
What would cause an elderly man to have a black film on his teeth (not rotten) and it comes off on his toothbr
This can happen with Pepto-Bismol. You can actually have a black hairy tongue that will scrape off with a toothbrush but just come right back.
What would cause an elderly man to have a black film on his teeth (not rotten) and it comes off on his toothbr
does he chew tobacco? Never heard of this one!!!
Reply:I'm a nurse and it sounds like blood or even a GI bleed, see a doctor this is serious, take care
Reply:Some antibiotics can cause you to get a black film on your teeth and tongue.
Reply:He is eating or drinking something that is causing a black film on his teeth. Maybe he isnt brushing for days/weeks/months. Brush his teeth for him if he cant do it. Or he could be smoking a pipe that is causing the black film.
mortgage rate
What would cause an elderly man to have a black film on his teeth (not rotten) and it comes off on his toothbr
does he chew tobacco? Never heard of this one!!!
Reply:I'm a nurse and it sounds like blood or even a GI bleed, see a doctor this is serious, take care
Reply:Some antibiotics can cause you to get a black film on your teeth and tongue.
Reply:He is eating or drinking something that is causing a black film on his teeth. Maybe he isnt brushing for days/weeks/months. Brush his teeth for him if he cant do it. Or he could be smoking a pipe that is causing the black film.
mortgage rate
Be honest-weren't you nauseated by all the nasty teeth and rotten people in pirates of the Caribbean2 (movie)?
It was pretty grusome for a movie that was supposed to be kids oriented. They went a little over board. And it was way too long.
Be honest-weren't you nauseated by all the nasty teeth and rotten people in pirates of the Caribbean2 (movie)?
Scurvy was common in those days, especially those that are on boats or ships coz there was hardly any source of Vitamin C. So, it wasn't "overboard". Report It
Reply:Not really. They were mostly computer graphincs anyway. I've seen worse on T.V.
: ]
Have a good day!
Reply:I have not watched it yet, but I'm sure will be.
Reply:on some, not johnny depp, hes so gorgeous no matter what
Reply:No not really
Reply:Well no because I see that everyday at home and in the mirror
Reply:No its not really. Had no effect on my stomach. In fact after the movie I had a Whopper value meal. YUM!
Reply:no...i saw worse when i lived in mexico
Reply:no that was pretty cool. that is how pirates are suppose to look. they did a good job.
Reply:I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Everyone else in the theatre thought it was normal so I didn't say
Reply:Nope. Most of them weren't real.
Reply:No, pirates own.
Reply:No, it's all part of the movie and reflects the time. Besides, Davey Jones didn't make you nauseated??? It's only a movie.
Reply:a little... is it just me or does jack have 2x as many gold teeth in this one? i was more grossed out by the fish guy *shudder*
Reply:no.but that was a pretty good movie.
I got a jar of diirrt! i got a jar a diirrt!and guess wats iinnsside it!
Reply:Yes it disgusting
Reply:i was more nauseated my johnny depp....he looks sooooo dirty all the time! somebody give that boy a bath!
Reply:it was pretty disgusting, but like most have said, it's mostly CGI
Reply:I could have gone with out the creatures and that woman's nasty teeth...what was worse than that was waiting through twenty minutes of credits to see the little blip at the end where the dog became the god of that tribe on the island! totally not worth it
Reply:No way, at least not on Johnny Depp!!! He's so fine!!! Rotten teeth %26amp; all. I was turned on the whole time.
Reply:You know what? My husband and I walked out in the middle of the movie because it was so gross and so stupid. It wasn't even 1/4 as good at the first movie! It's story was so lame, and yes, the creatures very gross. I would never take a child to see this film!
I'm so tired of people just raking more money off a first movie and giving you nothing in the second. It's called "Double Dipping" They are dipping a second time into our pockets to make money on the first movie! Shame on them and on Johnny Depp!
Reply:No it didn't really bother me. It's actually worse in Lord of the Rings and that didn't bother me either.
Be honest-weren't you nauseated by all the nasty teeth and rotten people in pirates of the Caribbean2 (movie)?
Scurvy was common in those days, especially those that are on boats or ships coz there was hardly any source of Vitamin C. So, it wasn't "overboard". Report It
Reply:Not really. They were mostly computer graphincs anyway. I've seen worse on T.V.
: ]
Have a good day!
Reply:I have not watched it yet, but I'm sure will be.
Reply:on some, not johnny depp, hes so gorgeous no matter what
Reply:No not really
Reply:Well no because I see that everyday at home and in the mirror
Reply:No its not really. Had no effect on my stomach. In fact after the movie I had a Whopper value meal. YUM!
Reply:no...i saw worse when i lived in mexico
Reply:no that was pretty cool. that is how pirates are suppose to look. they did a good job.
Reply:I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Everyone else in the theatre thought it was normal so I didn't say
Reply:Nope. Most of them weren't real.
Reply:No, pirates own.
Reply:No, it's all part of the movie and reflects the time. Besides, Davey Jones didn't make you nauseated??? It's only a movie.
Reply:a little... is it just me or does jack have 2x as many gold teeth in this one? i was more grossed out by the fish guy *shudder*
Reply:no.but that was a pretty good movie.
I got a jar of diirrt! i got a jar a diirrt!and guess wats iinnsside it!
Reply:Yes it disgusting
Reply:i was more nauseated my johnny depp....he looks sooooo dirty all the time! somebody give that boy a bath!
Reply:it was pretty disgusting, but like most have said, it's mostly CGI
Reply:I could have gone with out the creatures and that woman's nasty teeth...what was worse than that was waiting through twenty minutes of credits to see the little blip at the end where the dog became the god of that tribe on the island! totally not worth it
Reply:No way, at least not on Johnny Depp!!! He's so fine!!! Rotten teeth %26amp; all. I was turned on the whole time.
Reply:You know what? My husband and I walked out in the middle of the movie because it was so gross and so stupid. It wasn't even 1/4 as good at the first movie! It's story was so lame, and yes, the creatures very gross. I would never take a child to see this film!
I'm so tired of people just raking more money off a first movie and giving you nothing in the second. It's called "Double Dipping" They are dipping a second time into our pockets to make money on the first movie! Shame on them and on Johnny Depp!
Reply:No it didn't really bother me. It's actually worse in Lord of the Rings and that didn't bother me either.
WHY DO THOSE stupid rappers pay to make their teeth look rotten with gold caps?
its so pathetic!
WHY DO THOSE stupid rappers pay to make their teeth look rotten with gold caps?
It's because they're stupid, %26amp; they like to have shiny stuff in their mouths.
Reply:hahaha! I agree. It looks nasty.
Reply:to show economical status.
Reply:Its because they dont look at it the way you look at it,why does it bother u?
Reply:Because they want to!
Now, why exactly did you say "WHY DO THOSE..." instead of just "Why do those..."?
Because you wanted to right?
Reply:WHY DO YOU ask dumb questions?
Same goes for you, go donate the time you spend on Yahoo Answers and help someone in need. Anyhow, it's their money. What about all the other stars that buy incredibly expensive stuff? Their money, their problem.
Reply:who gives a crap? I mean really?
Reply:Probably the same reason they think it's cool to wear clothes 10 sizes too big. To be freakishly different than the rest of society.
my bird
WHY DO THOSE stupid rappers pay to make their teeth look rotten with gold caps?
It's because they're stupid, %26amp; they like to have shiny stuff in their mouths.
Reply:hahaha! I agree. It looks nasty.
Reply:to show economical status.
Reply:Its because they dont look at it the way you look at it,why does it bother u?
Reply:Because they want to!
Now, why exactly did you say "WHY DO THOSE..." instead of just "Why do those..."?
Because you wanted to right?
Reply:WHY DO YOU ask dumb questions?
Same goes for you, go donate the time you spend on Yahoo Answers and help someone in need. Anyhow, it's their money. What about all the other stars that buy incredibly expensive stuff? Their money, their problem.
Reply:who gives a crap? I mean really?
Reply:Probably the same reason they think it's cool to wear clothes 10 sizes too big. To be freakishly different than the rest of society.
my bird
What does it mean in a dream when your teeth are rotten??
To dream that your teeth appear to be decayed and snaggled, your business or health will suffer from intense strains... Sorry but that is what my book says... Love and light.. BB.. )O(
What does it mean in a dream when your teeth are rotten??
It's time to do that annual dentist visit :D
Reply:i'll get back to you on that one
Reply:Absolutely nothing, as dreams have nothing to do with reality.
Reply:it means u are feeling insecure about yr looks.u think u arent looking good and so u may not be loved by anyone.
Reply:It means that you're having a dream about rotten teeth.
Start a dream diary and see what happens...
Reply:they say dreams go in reverse,so you will have a great set
Reply:In some psychological circles, I believe this image is linked to the idea that your outward appearance is becoming an outward facing mirror. "Are you having self esteem issues?"--this would be a natural question.
Others might say that it is an animalistic/primal fear surfacing. An animal losing its teeth, can be seen as losing its ability to defend itself, and also the ability to provide for itself and its loved ones.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck.
Reply:I don't Know but that sound's really Scary!!!
Reply:it means that you are soon going to have a puppy..
a old man will meet you with a set of dentures as a gift................
get real people!!!
Reply:One version (folklore based) of interpretation states that teeth represent our closest people in reality. So if you dream that you have a problem with a tooth, you'll have some in real life. In the worst case, a tooth fallen out is death in the family. Rotten probably means you need to work on your relationship with your family.
Reply:it means for some reason you feel out of control of a certian situation.
Reply:It's probably a wake up call to do something about the ole trap! You are paranoid so now dreaming subconsciously.
Reply:No more Saliva to keep ur teeth moisturerd.
Reply:You need to find out what bad teeth mean to your subconscious mind.
People have many of the same dream symbols; but their interpretation varies according to what is believed by the subconscious mind,
Reply:For older women it means that they fear they're losing their youth and beauty.
For everyone else, it means that you feel out of control in your life. I often dream mine was broken and sharp or falling out.
Reply:to dream your teeth are rotten and falling out means you are missing someone eg front teeth stand for your mother or father .sorry dont know which teeth stand for who but it means missing someone and lonelyness
Reply:Discern: you have not spoken wise recently meaning, you have not spoken from the heart in truth. What has been said lately by you in encouraging others or in situations where your opinion is greatly needed, have fallen short from your lips because your heart was not in it.
You need to stand up for your true being and speak what you really feel, in truth. If it is harsh, it will be okay because you are coming from the heart, not the ego. Discern. 49/7
Reply:brush more lol idk alot of people have had dreams about having bad teeth lately though
Reply:your teeth are rotten
hotels reviews
What does it mean in a dream when your teeth are rotten??
It's time to do that annual dentist visit :D
Reply:i'll get back to you on that one
Reply:Absolutely nothing, as dreams have nothing to do with reality.
Reply:it means u are feeling insecure about yr looks.u think u arent looking good and so u may not be loved by anyone.
Reply:It means that you're having a dream about rotten teeth.
Start a dream diary and see what happens...
Reply:they say dreams go in reverse,so you will have a great set
Reply:In some psychological circles, I believe this image is linked to the idea that your outward appearance is becoming an outward facing mirror. "Are you having self esteem issues?"--this would be a natural question.
Others might say that it is an animalistic/primal fear surfacing. An animal losing its teeth, can be seen as losing its ability to defend itself, and also the ability to provide for itself and its loved ones.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck.
Reply:I don't Know but that sound's really Scary!!!
Reply:it means that you are soon going to have a puppy..
a old man will meet you with a set of dentures as a gift................
get real people!!!
Reply:One version (folklore based) of interpretation states that teeth represent our closest people in reality. So if you dream that you have a problem with a tooth, you'll have some in real life. In the worst case, a tooth fallen out is death in the family. Rotten probably means you need to work on your relationship with your family.
Reply:it means for some reason you feel out of control of a certian situation.
Reply:It's probably a wake up call to do something about the ole trap! You are paranoid so now dreaming subconsciously.
Reply:No more Saliva to keep ur teeth moisturerd.
Reply:You need to find out what bad teeth mean to your subconscious mind.
People have many of the same dream symbols; but their interpretation varies according to what is believed by the subconscious mind,
Reply:For older women it means that they fear they're losing their youth and beauty.
For everyone else, it means that you feel out of control in your life. I often dream mine was broken and sharp or falling out.
Reply:to dream your teeth are rotten and falling out means you are missing someone eg front teeth stand for your mother or father .sorry dont know which teeth stand for who but it means missing someone and lonelyness
Reply:Discern: you have not spoken wise recently meaning, you have not spoken from the heart in truth. What has been said lately by you in encouraging others or in situations where your opinion is greatly needed, have fallen short from your lips because your heart was not in it.
You need to stand up for your true being and speak what you really feel, in truth. If it is harsh, it will be okay because you are coming from the heart, not the ego. Discern. 49/7
Reply:brush more lol idk alot of people have had dreams about having bad teeth lately though
Reply:your teeth are rotten
hotels reviews
If I barfed and brushed my teeth immediately after, will my teeth still rotten?
It takes extended and repeated exposure to stomach acid to rot your teeth. So unless you are inducing yourself to vomit frequently, as in you are bulimic, then I think your teeth are safe.
If I barfed and brushed my teeth immediately after, will my teeth still rotten?
I would have done mouthwash too after brushing my teeth to be sure all the stomach acid is gone.
Reply:If you did not force yourself to vomit like with bulimia and it does not happen on regular basis the best thing would be to brush your teeth with toothpaste which contains fluoride such as sensodyne. Make sure you don't brush to hard. However, if you force vomiting and it happens on the regular basis, your teeth will suffer the consequences; the enamel which covers the lingual surface of teeth will be eventually destroyed by the acid.
Reply:just swallow it
Reply:Actually, brushing your teeth right after vomiting is kind of bad. Your teeth have already been exposed to (unharmful, unless you keep doing it) stomach acid, and you're wearing them down more by brushing them.
If you vomit again, drink a glass of water with baking soda in it to neutralize the acid. Brush your teeth in an hour, and it's safe.
my cat
If I barfed and brushed my teeth immediately after, will my teeth still rotten?
I would have done mouthwash too after brushing my teeth to be sure all the stomach acid is gone.
Reply:If you did not force yourself to vomit like with bulimia and it does not happen on regular basis the best thing would be to brush your teeth with toothpaste which contains fluoride such as sensodyne. Make sure you don't brush to hard. However, if you force vomiting and it happens on the regular basis, your teeth will suffer the consequences; the enamel which covers the lingual surface of teeth will be eventually destroyed by the acid.
Reply:just swallow it
Reply:Actually, brushing your teeth right after vomiting is kind of bad. Your teeth have already been exposed to (unharmful, unless you keep doing it) stomach acid, and you're wearing them down more by brushing them.
If you vomit again, drink a glass of water with baking soda in it to neutralize the acid. Brush your teeth in an hour, and it's safe.
my cat
What does a dream where your teeth are rotten mean?
It's supposed to be a really bad omen, hinting at possible illness or breakdown in your relationships.
However, I dream about it quite often and nothing really bad ever happened to me after I dreamt about it.
What does a dream where your teeth are rotten mean?
To dream that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you.
To dream that you are brushing your teeth, signifies your level of confidence, struggles and aggressiveness. You need to look out for yourself and your own interest.
Reply:If they rot enough to fall out that means you might feel guilt over something.
Reply:If they are healthy teeth falling out,
it means you are starting to worry
about your appearance. If they are
rotten teeth falling out, you are worried
about losing your power, in your
business, or your personal life.
Reply:I recently dreamt that I had something in my mouth like an olive pit and when I took it out to look and see what it was it was a tooth, so I checked my front tooth and it just wiggled and fell in my hand and so on until I had pulled all the teeth out of my mouth. It was horrifying one of those that when you wake up you are so relieved it was only a dream but so real I swear I was afraid to touch my teeth. So I too have wondered what this meant.
Reply:You didn't brush your teeth before you went to bed like your mother told you to. Your subconscious is punishing you. Good for your subconscious- you deserve it. You should have listened to your mother.
Reply:What you dream means is very subjective. I will tell you what I think it means.
Five times I have dreamed that my teeth were falling out. The dream always corresponded to a time in my life that I faced a big change, like a new job, going to college, or moving into my first apartment.
In the ones where teeth are falling out, but new ones are coming in, I think I felt reasonable sure that the change, while scary, was one I would adjust to.
In the ones where they are falling out and none are coming in (or the new ones are crooked and ugly) I think it reflects a fear that the change is a bad thing (like I will hate the new job, for example).
Reply:rotting teeth or teeth falling out in dreams represents growth/ you are ending a stage or phase in your life.
Reply:It means there is an issue which you are avoiding either because you are worried how the other person may react or its a health issue which you don't really want to do anything about because you have the fear that it could change your lifestyle.
family nanny
However, I dream about it quite often and nothing really bad ever happened to me after I dreamt about it.
What does a dream where your teeth are rotten mean?
To dream that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you.
To dream that you are brushing your teeth, signifies your level of confidence, struggles and aggressiveness. You need to look out for yourself and your own interest.
Reply:If they rot enough to fall out that means you might feel guilt over something.
Reply:If they are healthy teeth falling out,
it means you are starting to worry
about your appearance. If they are
rotten teeth falling out, you are worried
about losing your power, in your
business, or your personal life.
Reply:I recently dreamt that I had something in my mouth like an olive pit and when I took it out to look and see what it was it was a tooth, so I checked my front tooth and it just wiggled and fell in my hand and so on until I had pulled all the teeth out of my mouth. It was horrifying one of those that when you wake up you are so relieved it was only a dream but so real I swear I was afraid to touch my teeth. So I too have wondered what this meant.
Reply:You didn't brush your teeth before you went to bed like your mother told you to. Your subconscious is punishing you. Good for your subconscious- you deserve it. You should have listened to your mother.
Reply:What you dream means is very subjective. I will tell you what I think it means.
Five times I have dreamed that my teeth were falling out. The dream always corresponded to a time in my life that I faced a big change, like a new job, going to college, or moving into my first apartment.
In the ones where teeth are falling out, but new ones are coming in, I think I felt reasonable sure that the change, while scary, was one I would adjust to.
In the ones where they are falling out and none are coming in (or the new ones are crooked and ugly) I think it reflects a fear that the change is a bad thing (like I will hate the new job, for example).
Reply:rotting teeth or teeth falling out in dreams represents growth/ you are ending a stage or phase in your life.
Reply:It means there is an issue which you are avoiding either because you are worried how the other person may react or its a health issue which you don't really want to do anything about because you have the fear that it could change your lifestyle.
family nanny
All of my baby's front teeth are rotten already and he is just 1 yr old and 3 mos?
should i bring him now to the dentist?
seems that the enamel was dissolved already
All of my baby's front teeth are rotten already and he is just 1 yr old and 3 mos?
Reply:Yes you need to take him to the dentist! Don't wait until the teeth start hurting or abscess or something. My niece went when she was about a year old and everything went great.
Reply:Are you putting him to bed with a bottle? That's a major cause of baby tooth decay. You should defiunitely bring him to the dentist before infection sets in.
Reply:Definitely take him to a pediatric dentist. This should not be happening at such a young age for any reason. He could have some type of deficiency.
Reply:Baby bottle mouth is the most likely cause of this.
Please read this article from the American Dental Association:
Even though they are just primary teeth, they are important!! Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because other teeth will come in later, these teeth won't cause problems. Rotten teeth hurt, no matter how small they are.
Ask your child's doctor for a recommendation or ask your own dentist. Then, take your child as soon as possible. This is an emergency situation and should not wait.
Reply:get rid of the bottle! and take him to the dentist. there is no reason for a child to be on a bottle after a year old, once they can drink out of a cup they don't need the bottle anymore, its hard to do i know , they love it so much!
Reply:yes...he needs to see a dentist now. you most likely arent taking good care of his mouth. do you brush his teeth everyday? because you need to. do you put him to bed with a bottle? buecause if you do thats the biggest mistake ever. if his teeth are bad already its going to affect the way his permanent teeth will come in when he gets older.
my dog
seems that the enamel was dissolved already
All of my baby's front teeth are rotten already and he is just 1 yr old and 3 mos?
Reply:Yes you need to take him to the dentist! Don't wait until the teeth start hurting or abscess or something. My niece went when she was about a year old and everything went great.
Reply:Are you putting him to bed with a bottle? That's a major cause of baby tooth decay. You should defiunitely bring him to the dentist before infection sets in.
Reply:Definitely take him to a pediatric dentist. This should not be happening at such a young age for any reason. He could have some type of deficiency.
Reply:Baby bottle mouth is the most likely cause of this.
Please read this article from the American Dental Association:
Even though they are just primary teeth, they are important!! Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because other teeth will come in later, these teeth won't cause problems. Rotten teeth hurt, no matter how small they are.
Ask your child's doctor for a recommendation or ask your own dentist. Then, take your child as soon as possible. This is an emergency situation and should not wait.
Reply:get rid of the bottle! and take him to the dentist. there is no reason for a child to be on a bottle after a year old, once they can drink out of a cup they don't need the bottle anymore, its hard to do i know , they love it so much!
Reply:yes...he needs to see a dentist now. you most likely arent taking good care of his mouth. do you brush his teeth everyday? because you need to. do you put him to bed with a bottle? buecause if you do thats the biggest mistake ever. if his teeth are bad already its going to affect the way his permanent teeth will come in when he gets older.
my dog
Every 26 of my teeth are rotten. everytime i brush them, the whiteness just brushes right away. what is this??
Talk to your dentist right away.
Every 26 of my teeth are rotten. everytime i brush them, the whiteness just brushes right away. what is this??
it sounds like a serious problem
Reply:If I were you, I would make an appointment with a doctor ASAP!
Reply:make a dentist appointment right now! =]
Every 26 of my teeth are rotten. everytime i brush them, the whiteness just brushes right away. what is this??
it sounds like a serious problem
Reply:If I were you, I would make an appointment with a doctor ASAP!
Reply:make a dentist appointment right now! =]
My moms teeth are rotten and have wholes on them... they smell soo good and i want some like hers?
ok, i almost **** my pants with laughter! @[@
My moms teeth are rotten and have wholes on them... they smell soo good and i want some like hers?
I know you are an idiot because you can't even spell.
Reply:uh..okkkk. Well, then, never brush your teeth. Eat sugar.
Drink soda.
Reply:um, thats not a question
loan forum
My moms teeth are rotten and have wholes on them... they smell soo good and i want some like hers?
I know you are an idiot because you can't even spell.
Reply:uh..okkkk. Well, then, never brush your teeth. Eat sugar.
Drink soda.
Reply:um, thats not a question
loan forum
BAD TEETH! What's your reaction when you see people with yellow, rotten or unclean teeth (perma-plaque)?
It's nauseating to me, especially people who look like they have a layer of plaque on the upper part of the upper set, where the teeth and gum meet. It looks like severe tarter build up. I call it perma-plaque, although I know it has a medical name, I just can't remember what it is.
I have also seen greenish colored teeth as well. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, it's still nasty to look at.
BAD TEETH! What's your reaction when you see people with yellow, rotten or unclean teeth (perma-plaque)?
Admittedly I can be pretty snobbish about people's teeth. I don't expect them to be perfect, but I don't want to wonder if they've ever been to a dentist. Seriously, who wants to kiss a mouth full of crooked, rotting, plaque-encrusted teeth?
Reply:totall turn off!
Reply:look! I have goosebumps and a bad picture in my head of some cracker with bad teeth
Reply:Lol. Yea, it's really gross. I know a kid with that and it's very discusting. Usually, I try not to look. But he laughs and smiles alot. Ew.
Reply:Yea. i think teeth are a big thing. i hate when people's teeth are disgusting! i wanna be like GET SOME TEETH WHITENER! haha. but i know thats mean. i'm normally not like that.
Reply:it's cool that you care about your teeth, i'm starting to brush mine more because i've slacked off during summer!!
Reply:I totally agree. I love clean white teeth and a healthy smile. This girl I used to work with had the worst set and when she laughed the spit from the top set was still attached to the bottom giving the web effect eeewwwwwwwwww!!
myspace layouts
I have also seen greenish colored teeth as well. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, it's still nasty to look at.
BAD TEETH! What's your reaction when you see people with yellow, rotten or unclean teeth (perma-plaque)?
Admittedly I can be pretty snobbish about people's teeth. I don't expect them to be perfect, but I don't want to wonder if they've ever been to a dentist. Seriously, who wants to kiss a mouth full of crooked, rotting, plaque-encrusted teeth?
Reply:totall turn off!
Reply:look! I have goosebumps and a bad picture in my head of some cracker with bad teeth
Reply:Lol. Yea, it's really gross. I know a kid with that and it's very discusting. Usually, I try not to look. But he laughs and smiles alot. Ew.
Reply:Yea. i think teeth are a big thing. i hate when people's teeth are disgusting! i wanna be like GET SOME TEETH WHITENER! haha. but i know thats mean. i'm normally not like that.
Reply:it's cool that you care about your teeth, i'm starting to brush mine more because i've slacked off during summer!!
Reply:I totally agree. I love clean white teeth and a healthy smile. This girl I used to work with had the worst set and when she laughed the spit from the top set was still attached to the bottom giving the web effect eeewwwwwwwwww!!
myspace layouts
Would you go out or kiss a guy or girl who has a rotten front teeth?
My friends do make fun on me about it. I have never kiss her but afraid to stuck my tongue in her mouth. What should I do?
Would you go out or kiss a guy or girl who has a rotten front teeth?
Oh my God! I really dont know especially if she is a nice person. Even though physical appearance does not matter to me, I would be very skeptical on kissing her. Kiss on the lips but no french kissing if you are not comfortable.
Good Luck
Reply:you shouldnt judge some one by there teeth... their people too you know....
Reply:oh no thats gross
Reply:I would never go out with someone with overly messed up teeth, I have a sort of fetish with teeth, perfect or nothing.
I can tolerate some teeth problems but rotten front teeth would be way too much for me.
Reply:uhh no not really
Reply:Well, luckily I'm married to a guy who has beautiful teeth. However, if I was single, then no, probably not. Rotten teeth are a sign of poor hygiene in my opinion, and I like someone who takes care of themselves. (I'm 25 and have never had a cavity in my life!) Teeth are one of the first things I notice about a person, along with eyes and eyebrows. Call me shallow, but no, I wouldn't.
Reply:oooohhhmm no lol i would just try and ignore the topic...if the girl with the rotten mouth starts to pressure you about it just say that u dont want to and its more to things than just kissing and she should be glad that your not trying to rush her because that would mean your just using her to get what you want....and all girls want someone that makes them feel that its more to things that just sexual intercourse
Reply:1) you shoudlnt judge them by their teeth
2) if u really like her, u should still kiss her
3) if u still want to kiss her, but dont like about her tooth, then just dont stick ur tongue in her mouth, no matter how hard it is not too
Reply:uhhh i PERSONALLY wouldnt. i feel badly for feeling this way but im human %26amp; thats a COMPLETE turnoff! lol i just dont think thats "clean" enough like.... idk what they did to make it raught! ICKK
Reply:no i would not...even though looks shouldnt matter...if there is something wrong with a guys front teeth then it would just bugg the hell out of me
Reply:if i really loved him...then yes, cuase it doesn't matter how bad his teeth r, but how much i luv him=]=]
Reply:rotten ? eek. i don't know.
sometimes i don't really mind like yellow/crooked teeth but rotten? i don't know if i could do that..
Reply:no never if they have rotten teeth that shows poor dental hygeine which is gross. If the person cant even bruch there teeth how clean are they in other places that arent even visible.
Reply:Actually rotten? Like holes and falling out? Or just yellow?
Reply:Rotten? HECK NO
A little unclean? Maybe
Slightly dingy?Yes
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Would you go out or kiss a guy or girl who has a rotten front teeth?
Oh my God! I really dont know especially if she is a nice person. Even though physical appearance does not matter to me, I would be very skeptical on kissing her. Kiss on the lips but no french kissing if you are not comfortable.
Good Luck
Reply:you shouldnt judge some one by there teeth... their people too you know....
Reply:oh no thats gross
Reply:I would never go out with someone with overly messed up teeth, I have a sort of fetish with teeth, perfect or nothing.
I can tolerate some teeth problems but rotten front teeth would be way too much for me.
Reply:uhh no not really
Reply:Well, luckily I'm married to a guy who has beautiful teeth. However, if I was single, then no, probably not. Rotten teeth are a sign of poor hygiene in my opinion, and I like someone who takes care of themselves. (I'm 25 and have never had a cavity in my life!) Teeth are one of the first things I notice about a person, along with eyes and eyebrows. Call me shallow, but no, I wouldn't.
Reply:oooohhhmm no lol i would just try and ignore the topic...if the girl with the rotten mouth starts to pressure you about it just say that u dont want to and its more to things than just kissing and she should be glad that your not trying to rush her because that would mean your just using her to get what you want....and all girls want someone that makes them feel that its more to things that just sexual intercourse
Reply:1) you shoudlnt judge them by their teeth
2) if u really like her, u should still kiss her
3) if u still want to kiss her, but dont like about her tooth, then just dont stick ur tongue in her mouth, no matter how hard it is not too
Reply:uhhh i PERSONALLY wouldnt. i feel badly for feeling this way but im human %26amp; thats a COMPLETE turnoff! lol i just dont think thats "clean" enough like.... idk what they did to make it raught! ICKK
Reply:no i would not...even though looks shouldnt matter...if there is something wrong with a guys front teeth then it would just bugg the hell out of me
Reply:if i really loved him...then yes, cuase it doesn't matter how bad his teeth r, but how much i luv him=]=]
Reply:rotten ? eek. i don't know.
sometimes i don't really mind like yellow/crooked teeth but rotten? i don't know if i could do that..
Reply:no never if they have rotten teeth that shows poor dental hygeine which is gross. If the person cant even bruch there teeth how clean are they in other places that arent even visible.
Reply:Actually rotten? Like holes and falling out? Or just yellow?
Reply:Rotten? HECK NO
A little unclean? Maybe
Slightly dingy?Yes
myspace layouts
My two year old's four front teeth are rotten i did all i could dentaly?
dentist dismissed me wont pull them why do you think a two year olds teeth are in this condition
My two year old's four front teeth are rotten i did all i could dentaly?
Rotten/decaying teeth (caries) is never natural/normal for anyone, especially not for young children. The only cause is sugar. When sugar is eaten, it reacts with plaque bacteria on the teeth to make an acid which dissolves the tooth substance. Sugary foods ie chocolate, sweets, biscuits, juice, coke etc eaten regularly between meals will cause caries. Other foods which you may not think contains sugar but which actually do ie baked beans, dried fruit, breast milk can have the same effect. Caries on front teeth in young children indicates on-demand breastfeeding, taking a bottle of milk to bed, going to sleep on the breast, or sucking on a teat which has been dipped in sugar/honey. Here are some tips to avoid tooth decay:
- Limit sugary food intake to mealtimes only. Even better, try
eliminating sugar completely
- Don't eat anything sugary @ least 1 hr before bedtime. This is because when we're asleep, we have less saliva in our mouths. This means the teeth are less protected by saliva therefore more susceptible to acid attack %26amp; caries
- Don't breastfeed for longer than 1 yr. Prolonged breastfeeding causes the child to develop a sweet tooth
- Don't give your child candies - if you don't buy it, they won't eat it!
- Over the age of 3, use a fluoride toothpaste on your child's teeth. Fluoride content at this age should not be more than 500-600ppm. Fluoride makes the tooth enamel strong, can prevent caries
- Read supermarket labels, avoid things that contain ''ose'' ie glucose, maltose, sucrose, fructose: these are all sugars that can cause tooth decay
- Substitute sugar with sugar-free alternatives ie Xylitol, Sorbitol
Only put water in your child's bottle/beaker. Encourage the use of a cup early on
- Consult your dentist about fluoride supplements for your child (not usually given to under 6s unless at high risk of caries, also not recommended if your water supply is fluoridated).
- Find out if your tap water supply is fluoridated. If it is, give your child tap water to drink (only affects the teeth up to 12 yrs old)
- Clean child's teeth regularly %26amp; effectively, 2x a day for @ least 3 mins each time should be fine. Less plaque bacteria on the tooth = less acid produced = less chance of decay. Pay particular attention to the adult teeth coming through
- Visit the dentist/dental therapist regularly with your child for check-ups
If you start doing something now, you will prevent this happening to your child's adult teeth.
Reply:It happens, its nautral for some children, its their calcium intake sometimes. Everyone has different body systems and your kids are not to be excluded. Just keep them brushed and keep the dentist check ups, and his adult teeth should be quite nice. One more thing, watch his sugar intake.
Reply:I can tell you the leading cause of rotted teeth in small children and that is a sippy cup. If you allow your child to drink anything but water out of a sippy cup, stop! There are even warnings on them now that say they can cause tooth decay. This happened to our granddaughter and she had to have surgery to put caps and crowns on her teeth because she was too small to have them pulled out. It was very traumatic for her, but the teeth had become painful and there was no other choice. I would change dentists if I were you and find one who specializes in small children.
Reply:dont know
Reply:I have had four cousins whose baby teeth have come in rotten, all of which had to be pulled. If your dentist won't pull them, find one that will because they soon, if they are not already will begin to be very painful to your child. One of my cousins had a bridge(partial plate) by age three or four, but the rest just waited for their permanent teeth all of which were fine.
Reply:Sounds like baby bottle rot. Do you put the baby to sleep with milk or juice? If so, this is the cause. I would look for another dentist who will help you...try a pedodontist (a dentist who only sees children). Good luck
Reply:My sons teeth did the same thing. His dentist pulled some of them though. A few he left in. His permanent teeth are all strong and healthy. As for what causes it though... his dentist said it could be juice in a bottle or that's just what baby teeth do sometimes. If you're really concerned though take your child to another dentist for a second opinion.
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My two year old's four front teeth are rotten i did all i could dentaly?
Rotten/decaying teeth (caries) is never natural/normal for anyone, especially not for young children. The only cause is sugar. When sugar is eaten, it reacts with plaque bacteria on the teeth to make an acid which dissolves the tooth substance. Sugary foods ie chocolate, sweets, biscuits, juice, coke etc eaten regularly between meals will cause caries. Other foods which you may not think contains sugar but which actually do ie baked beans, dried fruit, breast milk can have the same effect. Caries on front teeth in young children indicates on-demand breastfeeding, taking a bottle of milk to bed, going to sleep on the breast, or sucking on a teat which has been dipped in sugar/honey. Here are some tips to avoid tooth decay:
- Limit sugary food intake to mealtimes only. Even better, try
eliminating sugar completely
- Don't eat anything sugary @ least 1 hr before bedtime. This is because when we're asleep, we have less saliva in our mouths. This means the teeth are less protected by saliva therefore more susceptible to acid attack %26amp; caries
- Don't breastfeed for longer than 1 yr. Prolonged breastfeeding causes the child to develop a sweet tooth
- Don't give your child candies - if you don't buy it, they won't eat it!
- Over the age of 3, use a fluoride toothpaste on your child's teeth. Fluoride content at this age should not be more than 500-600ppm. Fluoride makes the tooth enamel strong, can prevent caries
- Read supermarket labels, avoid things that contain ''ose'' ie glucose, maltose, sucrose, fructose: these are all sugars that can cause tooth decay
- Substitute sugar with sugar-free alternatives ie Xylitol, Sorbitol
Only put water in your child's bottle/beaker. Encourage the use of a cup early on
- Consult your dentist about fluoride supplements for your child (not usually given to under 6s unless at high risk of caries, also not recommended if your water supply is fluoridated).
- Find out if your tap water supply is fluoridated. If it is, give your child tap water to drink (only affects the teeth up to 12 yrs old)
- Clean child's teeth regularly %26amp; effectively, 2x a day for @ least 3 mins each time should be fine. Less plaque bacteria on the tooth = less acid produced = less chance of decay. Pay particular attention to the adult teeth coming through
- Visit the dentist/dental therapist regularly with your child for check-ups
If you start doing something now, you will prevent this happening to your child's adult teeth.
Reply:It happens, its nautral for some children, its their calcium intake sometimes. Everyone has different body systems and your kids are not to be excluded. Just keep them brushed and keep the dentist check ups, and his adult teeth should be quite nice. One more thing, watch his sugar intake.
Reply:I can tell you the leading cause of rotted teeth in small children and that is a sippy cup. If you allow your child to drink anything but water out of a sippy cup, stop! There are even warnings on them now that say they can cause tooth decay. This happened to our granddaughter and she had to have surgery to put caps and crowns on her teeth because she was too small to have them pulled out. It was very traumatic for her, but the teeth had become painful and there was no other choice. I would change dentists if I were you and find one who specializes in small children.
Reply:dont know
Reply:I have had four cousins whose baby teeth have come in rotten, all of which had to be pulled. If your dentist won't pull them, find one that will because they soon, if they are not already will begin to be very painful to your child. One of my cousins had a bridge(partial plate) by age three or four, but the rest just waited for their permanent teeth all of which were fine.
Reply:Sounds like baby bottle rot. Do you put the baby to sleep with milk or juice? If so, this is the cause. I would look for another dentist who will help you...try a pedodontist (a dentist who only sees children). Good luck
Reply:My sons teeth did the same thing. His dentist pulled some of them though. A few he left in. His permanent teeth are all strong and healthy. As for what causes it though... his dentist said it could be juice in a bottle or that's just what baby teeth do sometimes. If you're really concerned though take your child to another dentist for a second opinion.
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Why do Crystal Meth or Crack/Coacine Users Have Rotten/Missing teeth?
The side effect you are referring to is known as Meth mouth.
Meth mouth "is probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in xerostomia (dry mouth), extended periods of poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of high calorie, carbonated beverages and tooth grinding and clenching."
A lack of saliva's natural protective effects directly leads to increased tooth decay, particularly at the gumline. Many users also smoke tobacco or consume highly sugared soft drinks, worsening the problem.
Why do Crystal Meth or Crack/Coacine Users Have Rotten/Missing teeth?
Because they let their teeth rot out because they are on drugs all the time and when a person is on drug they dont really care about things like their teeth
Reply:To show people who don't do that crap that they should avoid the meth and crack users.
Reply:They do drugs. They probably don't practice great hygiene. The drugs also depress the body's nervous system, so they don't feel their teeth hurt when they bite something and don't call the dentist about it. Their dentist money is going towards buying the drugs anyway. Depending on the severity of the drug use AND the drug, you can literally set yourself on fire and not feel it at all.
Some drugs also weaken the immune system, so your body won't attack the pathogen when it gets in your body. This makes it easier for the cavities to occur, and is also the reason there are often ulcers, sores, etc. on the mouth.
Reply:Because it ROTS your teeth.
Reply:Meth mouth is an informal name for advanced tooth decay attributed to heavy methamphetamine use. According to the American Dental Association, meth mouth "is probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in xerostomia (dry mouth), extended periods of poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of high calorie, carbonated beverages and tooth grinding and clenching."[1]
Characteristics include:
xerostomia (dry mouth): Methamphetamine use may decrease the production of saliva. A lack of saliva's natural protective effects directly leads to increased tooth decay, particularly at the gumline. Many users also smoke tobacco or consume highly sugared soft drinks, worsening the problem.
cracked teeth: Methamphetamine induces clenching and grinding of the teeth, leading to wear or cracks.
neglect of oral hygiene: This is likely among the most important causes of poor oral health among methamphetamine users. After a prolonged binge, users may sleep for a day or more with their mouths open, exacerbating the problems of poor saliva supply.
Meth mouth is "difficult to distinguish" from a simple case of poor oral hygiene.[2] Dentists are advised to look for "unaccounted for and accelerated decay in teenagers and young adults" and "malnourished appearance in heavy users, because methamphetamine acts as an appetite suppressant."[1]
Contrary to a number of media reports, meth mouth's contributing causes do not include a "corrosive", "acidic", or "caustic" effect of the drug itself on tooth enamel or gum tissue. Jack Shafer of Slate magazine has written a series of articles disputing the role of "chemical" or "contaminant" factors in causing meth mouth.
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Meth mouth "is probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in xerostomia (dry mouth), extended periods of poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of high calorie, carbonated beverages and tooth grinding and clenching."
A lack of saliva's natural protective effects directly leads to increased tooth decay, particularly at the gumline. Many users also smoke tobacco or consume highly sugared soft drinks, worsening the problem.
Why do Crystal Meth or Crack/Coacine Users Have Rotten/Missing teeth?
Because they let their teeth rot out because they are on drugs all the time and when a person is on drug they dont really care about things like their teeth
Reply:To show people who don't do that crap that they should avoid the meth and crack users.
Reply:They do drugs. They probably don't practice great hygiene. The drugs also depress the body's nervous system, so they don't feel their teeth hurt when they bite something and don't call the dentist about it. Their dentist money is going towards buying the drugs anyway. Depending on the severity of the drug use AND the drug, you can literally set yourself on fire and not feel it at all.
Some drugs also weaken the immune system, so your body won't attack the pathogen when it gets in your body. This makes it easier for the cavities to occur, and is also the reason there are often ulcers, sores, etc. on the mouth.
Reply:Because it ROTS your teeth.
Reply:Meth mouth is an informal name for advanced tooth decay attributed to heavy methamphetamine use. According to the American Dental Association, meth mouth "is probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in xerostomia (dry mouth), extended periods of poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of high calorie, carbonated beverages and tooth grinding and clenching."[1]
Characteristics include:
xerostomia (dry mouth): Methamphetamine use may decrease the production of saliva. A lack of saliva's natural protective effects directly leads to increased tooth decay, particularly at the gumline. Many users also smoke tobacco or consume highly sugared soft drinks, worsening the problem.
cracked teeth: Methamphetamine induces clenching and grinding of the teeth, leading to wear or cracks.
neglect of oral hygiene: This is likely among the most important causes of poor oral health among methamphetamine users. After a prolonged binge, users may sleep for a day or more with their mouths open, exacerbating the problems of poor saliva supply.
Meth mouth is "difficult to distinguish" from a simple case of poor oral hygiene.[2] Dentists are advised to look for "unaccounted for and accelerated decay in teenagers and young adults" and "malnourished appearance in heavy users, because methamphetamine acts as an appetite suppressant."[1]
Contrary to a number of media reports, meth mouth's contributing causes do not include a "corrosive", "acidic", or "caustic" effect of the drug itself on tooth enamel or gum tissue. Jack Shafer of Slate magazine has written a series of articles disputing the role of "chemical" or "contaminant" factors in causing meth mouth.
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Just rescued a dog from a shelter and his teeth are rotten, what can i do?
we rescued this cocker spaniel mix and we saw he needed a good cleaning, but then we saw his mouth at home. His breath literally smells like the sewer. his teeth are grey and his gums are covered in I don't know what.. but it's grey and really nasty in there. It looks like his gums are rotting. we brushed his teeth, but his gums seemed to hurt obviously. This dog was covered, i mean covered in fleas, a vinegar and water and dog shampoo killed all of those.. :) are there any home remedies for his gums? teeth? even if we have to take him to the vet for his teeth, is there anything they can do to reverse this? Can I do anything at home to help this??? please let me know if there is anyone dog rescuers that have dealt with this before.... i need help! so does he!
Just rescued a dog from a shelter and his teeth are rotten, what can i do?
He needs some antibiotics quickly. The gum disease can spread bacteria to his heart and kill him.
You are looking at major expenses with this dog. We just aquired a dog in the same shape, and we put over five hundred dollars just into dental care. You will also have spay costs, shots, and then you still have the possibility of heartworms and heart disease from the dental issues. And because your dog has fleas, you will also need to flea him and treat for tapeworms.
You just need to think about this situation before you decide to keep the dog. You are very easily looking at six to seven hundred dollars for the first week of vet care. And because your dog came from a shelter you also will have to deal with kennel cough and probably coccidia.
We kept the dog we got just because we felt so sorry for him, and could finance the care. Make sure you think about what kind of a commitment you are looking at with your dog. It will cost a lot of money.
Reply:Vet will say what needs to be done..
You didnt check him throughly before leaving the shelter?
I would've...
Reply:Take dog to the vet, only your vet will be able to tell ya what needs to be done to the baby is in pain...
Reply:You can have his teeth cleaned at the vets (cost about $100), talk to them about concerns and questions. If his teeth are in really bad shape he may need to have some of them removed. Remember if he does have to have his teeth cleaned / possible removed the short operation will bring much relief to the pain he is probably feeling. Kudos to you for adopting, spaniels make great pets!
Reply:well first go to the vet to make sure his gums arent infected,
For his gums to get stronger give him lots of rubber toys so they can chew on them and get his gum stronger. And lots of bones...
And good for you for rescuing him, im glad there is good in this world
Reply:wow. It sounds like he needs to get to a dog dentist fast. He probably needs a good cleaning and maybe some antibiotics if his gums are in rough shape too. See if the shelter can give you a referral to a dental vet who will give you a discount since you've rescued this dog.
After a good initial treatment, hopefully you should be able to manage the problem with routine brushing a few times a week.
Good luck!!
Reply:I've dealt with rotten teeth in rescues from puppy mills. Spend the $90 to have him drugged and his teeth thoroughly cleaned by a vet. He will live so much longer, be happier, smell better and be healthier and prettier if you do. Until then, when he's outside, give him a jumbo raw carrot or sweet potato to chew on. (Outside because of the mess.) My dogs love them! If he doesn't dig it, try putting a wee bit of butter on the outside to make it yummier. This will help scrape at the build up on his teeth. Put a little apple cider vinegar in his drinking water too.
Good for you, BTW for saving a life and taking such good care of the old fella.
Reply:I just rescued a dog with the same problem and all you can do is have the vet pull the teeth that are beyond salvaging. Many dogs have to have most if not all of their teeth pulled and do just fine and can even usually eat hard kibble after they are healed. Usually those rotten teeth are so painful and infected that having them gone is easier on them than leaving them in.
Have the vet do a thorough cleaning, pull the ones that can't be saved and get the dog on antibiotics and he should be good as new. This happens quite often and the dogs do much better with even all their teeth gone than trying to live with painful rotten ones.
Reply:I once had a cat that I got from a shelter who's breath smelled the same way. I took her to the Vet and she was diagnosed with gingivitis. The Vet said it was from eating garbage and was a common thing for strays to develop. I was told to get a baby sized toothbrush and brush her teeth with baking soda. Have you ever tried to brush a cat's teeth? It's not something they take kindly too. She was a young kitten when we got her and she turned out to be just fine, no problems at all.
However, her gums were not discolored. I would suggest that you do take the dog to the Vet, not just for it's dental problems, but for a full physical and look over. There may be other problems that you're not noticing. This dog has obviously had a hard life. It may benefit from some vitamins and very high quality food...but that is for the Vet to decide.
In the meantime try brushing his teeth with some baking soda and a very, very soft baby sized toothbrush. I'd also suggest giving him canned food so he won't have to chew too much. His teeth may be painful and some of them may have to be removed.
Good luck and it's so wonderful that you brought this doggie home and are caring for him so well. He sure is a lucky puppers!
Reply:All that I can recommend is take him to the vet and ask them. Sometimes you cannot fix things at home.
Reply:Take him to the vet and have him evaluated. I'm not sure there is too much you can do for him right now until you see if he has gum disease or what. Feeding him softer food will help, let the kibble soak in some warm water for awhile before feeding, or feed him canned or soft food.
Reply:I rescued an older Boston Terrier that had awful teeth. I brushed his teeth gently twice a day and made him an appointment to have his teeth cleaned. His teeth looked better even before he had his doggy dentist appointment. Go ahead and make him an appointment though.
Reply:Thanks for rescuing this poor guy. Sounds like he was in bad shape. My shelter husky/Rottie mix had teeth that he ground down almost to nubs, probably from fence chewing. My parents' Weimaraner (another dog I fostered first) had awful ground down teeth too. Sounds like he's got gingivitis/periodontitis. The vet may have to extract some of the teeth. If he hasn't been neutered, this can be done at the same time. The best thing as a preventative maintenance is a raw knucklebone to chew on a few times a week. My dogs are also on a raw diet and even my husky/Rottie who had nasty teeth at the age of 10 has almost white teeth again (what's left of them!) at age 12. You can also buy a tooth scaler in pet catalogues and larger pet stores and ask your vet how to use them. Teeth brushing may work too based on his compliance. This may be able to salvage some of the teeth if it's not too severe.
Reply:you got him from a shelter like this?? shame on them!!
I worked at a shelter for 5 years.. NO pet was ever let go in this condition.. a vet should have checked him prior to your adoption (checking teeth for age confimation they would have noticed the teeth problems)
plus they should have noticed the fleas and treated the dog...
read your adoption contract and see what it says regarding health guarantees or call them in the morning and ask what their policies are regarding this - and explain the poor condition of the dog...
did you use Dog shampoo or FLEA shampoo?? because dog shampoo wont kill fleas or flea eggs - buy a flea comb...
you will need to talk to a vet about the teeth - but see what kind of care the shelter is willing to follow up on first..
make sure the dog gets good qualtiy DRY food - not just wet;.. this is often the cuase of poor teeth..
Reply:It sounds like a vet is the only thing maybe they can pull the bad ones and then its gum might heel up
Reply:This dog needs dental treatment! You can't treat this kind of dental disease yourself. If your teeth were in this condition, what would you do? Home dental care is only for preventative measures i.e when a dog has good teeth to prevent them getting to this stage - at this point, the dog needs to be anaesthetised for a proper dental cleaning and most likely extractions. He will also need a course of antibiotics, because there will be infection in there.
As for the fleas - don't expect them to stay away for long with this kind of treatment. Get a proper treatment/preventative like Frontline from a vets.
You didn't get this dog from a shelter did you? Because I'd be shocked if a shelter let an animal go in this condition!
bsd apache
Just rescued a dog from a shelter and his teeth are rotten, what can i do?
He needs some antibiotics quickly. The gum disease can spread bacteria to his heart and kill him.
You are looking at major expenses with this dog. We just aquired a dog in the same shape, and we put over five hundred dollars just into dental care. You will also have spay costs, shots, and then you still have the possibility of heartworms and heart disease from the dental issues. And because your dog has fleas, you will also need to flea him and treat for tapeworms.
You just need to think about this situation before you decide to keep the dog. You are very easily looking at six to seven hundred dollars for the first week of vet care. And because your dog came from a shelter you also will have to deal with kennel cough and probably coccidia.
We kept the dog we got just because we felt so sorry for him, and could finance the care. Make sure you think about what kind of a commitment you are looking at with your dog. It will cost a lot of money.
Reply:Vet will say what needs to be done..
You didnt check him throughly before leaving the shelter?
I would've...
Reply:Take dog to the vet, only your vet will be able to tell ya what needs to be done to the baby is in pain...
Reply:You can have his teeth cleaned at the vets (cost about $100), talk to them about concerns and questions. If his teeth are in really bad shape he may need to have some of them removed. Remember if he does have to have his teeth cleaned / possible removed the short operation will bring much relief to the pain he is probably feeling. Kudos to you for adopting, spaniels make great pets!
Reply:well first go to the vet to make sure his gums arent infected,
For his gums to get stronger give him lots of rubber toys so they can chew on them and get his gum stronger. And lots of bones...
And good for you for rescuing him, im glad there is good in this world
Reply:wow. It sounds like he needs to get to a dog dentist fast. He probably needs a good cleaning and maybe some antibiotics if his gums are in rough shape too. See if the shelter can give you a referral to a dental vet who will give you a discount since you've rescued this dog.
After a good initial treatment, hopefully you should be able to manage the problem with routine brushing a few times a week.
Good luck!!
Reply:I've dealt with rotten teeth in rescues from puppy mills. Spend the $90 to have him drugged and his teeth thoroughly cleaned by a vet. He will live so much longer, be happier, smell better and be healthier and prettier if you do. Until then, when he's outside, give him a jumbo raw carrot or sweet potato to chew on. (Outside because of the mess.) My dogs love them! If he doesn't dig it, try putting a wee bit of butter on the outside to make it yummier. This will help scrape at the build up on his teeth. Put a little apple cider vinegar in his drinking water too.
Good for you, BTW for saving a life and taking such good care of the old fella.
Reply:I just rescued a dog with the same problem and all you can do is have the vet pull the teeth that are beyond salvaging. Many dogs have to have most if not all of their teeth pulled and do just fine and can even usually eat hard kibble after they are healed. Usually those rotten teeth are so painful and infected that having them gone is easier on them than leaving them in.
Have the vet do a thorough cleaning, pull the ones that can't be saved and get the dog on antibiotics and he should be good as new. This happens quite often and the dogs do much better with even all their teeth gone than trying to live with painful rotten ones.
Reply:I once had a cat that I got from a shelter who's breath smelled the same way. I took her to the Vet and she was diagnosed with gingivitis. The Vet said it was from eating garbage and was a common thing for strays to develop. I was told to get a baby sized toothbrush and brush her teeth with baking soda. Have you ever tried to brush a cat's teeth? It's not something they take kindly too. She was a young kitten when we got her and she turned out to be just fine, no problems at all.
However, her gums were not discolored. I would suggest that you do take the dog to the Vet, not just for it's dental problems, but for a full physical and look over. There may be other problems that you're not noticing. This dog has obviously had a hard life. It may benefit from some vitamins and very high quality food...but that is for the Vet to decide.
In the meantime try brushing his teeth with some baking soda and a very, very soft baby sized toothbrush. I'd also suggest giving him canned food so he won't have to chew too much. His teeth may be painful and some of them may have to be removed.
Good luck and it's so wonderful that you brought this doggie home and are caring for him so well. He sure is a lucky puppers!
Reply:All that I can recommend is take him to the vet and ask them. Sometimes you cannot fix things at home.
Reply:Take him to the vet and have him evaluated. I'm not sure there is too much you can do for him right now until you see if he has gum disease or what. Feeding him softer food will help, let the kibble soak in some warm water for awhile before feeding, or feed him canned or soft food.
Reply:I rescued an older Boston Terrier that had awful teeth. I brushed his teeth gently twice a day and made him an appointment to have his teeth cleaned. His teeth looked better even before he had his doggy dentist appointment. Go ahead and make him an appointment though.
Reply:Thanks for rescuing this poor guy. Sounds like he was in bad shape. My shelter husky/Rottie mix had teeth that he ground down almost to nubs, probably from fence chewing. My parents' Weimaraner (another dog I fostered first) had awful ground down teeth too. Sounds like he's got gingivitis/periodontitis. The vet may have to extract some of the teeth. If he hasn't been neutered, this can be done at the same time. The best thing as a preventative maintenance is a raw knucklebone to chew on a few times a week. My dogs are also on a raw diet and even my husky/Rottie who had nasty teeth at the age of 10 has almost white teeth again (what's left of them!) at age 12. You can also buy a tooth scaler in pet catalogues and larger pet stores and ask your vet how to use them. Teeth brushing may work too based on his compliance. This may be able to salvage some of the teeth if it's not too severe.
Reply:you got him from a shelter like this?? shame on them!!
I worked at a shelter for 5 years.. NO pet was ever let go in this condition.. a vet should have checked him prior to your adoption (checking teeth for age confimation they would have noticed the teeth problems)
plus they should have noticed the fleas and treated the dog...
read your adoption contract and see what it says regarding health guarantees or call them in the morning and ask what their policies are regarding this - and explain the poor condition of the dog...
did you use Dog shampoo or FLEA shampoo?? because dog shampoo wont kill fleas or flea eggs - buy a flea comb...
you will need to talk to a vet about the teeth - but see what kind of care the shelter is willing to follow up on first..
make sure the dog gets good qualtiy DRY food - not just wet;.. this is often the cuase of poor teeth..
Reply:It sounds like a vet is the only thing maybe they can pull the bad ones and then its gum might heel up
Reply:This dog needs dental treatment! You can't treat this kind of dental disease yourself. If your teeth were in this condition, what would you do? Home dental care is only for preventative measures i.e when a dog has good teeth to prevent them getting to this stage - at this point, the dog needs to be anaesthetised for a proper dental cleaning and most likely extractions. He will also need a course of antibiotics, because there will be infection in there.
As for the fleas - don't expect them to stay away for long with this kind of treatment. Get a proper treatment/preventative like Frontline from a vets.
You didn't get this dog from a shelter did you? Because I'd be shocked if a shelter let an animal go in this condition!
bsd apache
Myy puppies, puppy teeth have rotten, is this bad ?
the two bottom sharp teeth of my german shepherd puppy have become black, is this bad if so what shall i do
Myy puppies, puppy teeth have rotten, is this bad ?
Yes, black teeth are not a good thing. As a responsible pet owner, you need to take him to the vet and have that checked out. It could be causing him pain. Also, that is fairly unusual, so there may be some underlying issues that needs to be addressed.
Reply:yes it is bad you must be feeding him foods with high sugar levels in them, you should be feeding him dry biscuits which clean his teeth and then you would not get this problem. Take him to the vet before the situation deteriorates and they start giving him discomfort that's if it isn't already. Take him to the vet and they will get them polished up. If your teeth were rotten wouldn't you want them fixed? would you think that its bad if they were your teeth? its the same for the dog.
Reply:That sounds like peridontis disease. If your dog will let you try to take a dental tool (the hook shaped one and see if it scrapes off. It should come off like an eggshell. Make sure you get slightly under the gums as well. If your dog will not let you take him to the vet to get a dental cleaning. Peridontis disease allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream through the gumline and can make your dog very ill. You can prevent this by feeding a good quality dry food and limiting or negating wet food from the diet. Brushing your dogs teeth once a week and giving carrots for treats helps too. Rope toys act as dental floss to get tartar and plaque from between the teeth. The gumline is a sensative area on dogs and needs proper care.
Reply:That is not a good sign take the dog to the vet and have the teeth checked.
Reply:yes it is bad you must be feeding him foods with high sugar levels in them, you should be feeding him dry biscuits which clean his teeth and then you would not get this problem. Take him to the vet before the situation deteriorates and they start giving him discomfort that's if it isn't already. Take him to the vet and they will get them
Reply:Dogs will loose their puppy teeth, but I don't think they turn black. Better have your vet check it out.
Myy puppies, puppy teeth have rotten, is this bad ?
Yes, black teeth are not a good thing. As a responsible pet owner, you need to take him to the vet and have that checked out. It could be causing him pain. Also, that is fairly unusual, so there may be some underlying issues that needs to be addressed.
Reply:yes it is bad you must be feeding him foods with high sugar levels in them, you should be feeding him dry biscuits which clean his teeth and then you would not get this problem. Take him to the vet before the situation deteriorates and they start giving him discomfort that's if it isn't already. Take him to the vet and they will get them polished up. If your teeth were rotten wouldn't you want them fixed? would you think that its bad if they were your teeth? its the same for the dog.
Reply:That sounds like peridontis disease. If your dog will let you try to take a dental tool (the hook shaped one and see if it scrapes off. It should come off like an eggshell. Make sure you get slightly under the gums as well. If your dog will not let you take him to the vet to get a dental cleaning. Peridontis disease allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream through the gumline and can make your dog very ill. You can prevent this by feeding a good quality dry food and limiting or negating wet food from the diet. Brushing your dogs teeth once a week and giving carrots for treats helps too. Rope toys act as dental floss to get tartar and plaque from between the teeth. The gumline is a sensative area on dogs and needs proper care.
Reply:That is not a good sign take the dog to the vet and have the teeth checked.
Reply:yes it is bad you must be feeding him foods with high sugar levels in them, you should be feeding him dry biscuits which clean his teeth and then you would not get this problem. Take him to the vet before the situation deteriorates and they start giving him discomfort that's if it isn't already. Take him to the vet and they will get them
Reply:Dogs will loose their puppy teeth, but I don't think they turn black. Better have your vet check it out.
Why does the Majority of Portland,Or people Smell like 3 day old sweat socks alo why is every one teeth rotten
They don't shower, most of them think that if they stink and dont brush there teeth they will some how turn into a sex pistol.
Why does the Majority of Portland,Or people Smell like 3 day old sweat socks alo why is every one teeth rotten
your a moron
Reply:ummm... they're american?
Reply:Judging by the two previous responses, none of them is literate. It doesn't much matter, anyhow, as California will overflow into you any day now,
Reply:well for one thing Portland's pretty much a bunch of hippies that's why they smell. And the ones that aren't hippies are tweakers (meth addicts) which explains the rotted teeth, well that and they don't put flouride in the water there. I lived there for a year and a half so I know what I'm talking about. And honestly if the city of Portland fell off the face of the earth I sure as frack wouldn't miss it.
Reply:Maybe you are in an old person part of town? and.or the part where nobody washes or anything
credit report
Why does the Majority of Portland,Or people Smell like 3 day old sweat socks alo why is every one teeth rotten
your a moron
Reply:ummm... they're american?
Reply:Judging by the two previous responses, none of them is literate. It doesn't much matter, anyhow, as California will overflow into you any day now,
Reply:well for one thing Portland's pretty much a bunch of hippies that's why they smell. And the ones that aren't hippies are tweakers (meth addicts) which explains the rotted teeth, well that and they don't put flouride in the water there. I lived there for a year and a half so I know what I'm talking about. And honestly if the city of Portland fell off the face of the earth I sure as frack wouldn't miss it.
Reply:Maybe you are in an old person part of town? and.or the part where nobody washes or anything
credit report
My 9 month old nephews teeth are kinda green, rotten looking....HELP why is this happening?
His teeth appear to have a rotton look to them but they are not rotten. His mom started brushing his teeth with non flouride toothpast as soon as his teeth came out at about 5-6 months...I think it may have messed up the enamel on his teeth. He doesnt eat any table food, he breastfed for 6 months and eats regular babyfood and formula...what can be causing this.
My 9 month old nephews teeth are kinda green, rotten looking....HELP why is this happening?
I'm surprised his Dr hasn't said anything about it. Check with City Hall to find out about water test results for his area. There may be too much fluoride in the water. We had a problem with that in one of the towns I lived in. We couldn't drink tap water, it had to be bought. A pain, but better than looking like you didn't own a toothbrush!
Reply:does she prop him with a bottle in the crib at bedtime or naps? if so the sugars in the milk will stay on his teeth and cause tooth decay. this is the number one cause of tooth decay in infants. in addition to this. it is also a choking hazzard.
Reply:If he is drinking formula or milk in a bottle at night or nap time this could be causing the rotten or green looking teeth.
Reply:Yes like the previous posters said, it does sound like "bottle rot".
Reply:she should give him either beech nut or nursery water with added flouride to drink in between brest feeding because it cleans away residue , it was made specifically for that purpose , u can find it at any food's regular water just for babies
Reply:Well my sister works for a dentist. And she has told me 3 important things. 1 only brush baby's teeth with water till after 2 years. 2 Baby's should never go to bed with bottles of juice. It good balanced diet. And if she is still breast feeding, eating plenty of the right food.
Reply:Tell her before he goes to bed, either give him a little water in his bottle/sippy cup or wipe his teeth with gauze. I think they even make tooth and gum cleaner for babies..its at wal mart.
I have a 9.5 month old and I keep a few bottles of water in the mini fridge in our room, and when he wakes up through the night I give him water....because he only takes a ounce of it anyways and that way it cleans out the formula he has had in his mouth
Reply:Sugary foods, sodas,and even lemons and limes can cause that. He needs to see a dentist immediately before it becomes painful.
My 9 month old nephews teeth are kinda green, rotten looking....HELP why is this happening?
I'm surprised his Dr hasn't said anything about it. Check with City Hall to find out about water test results for his area. There may be too much fluoride in the water. We had a problem with that in one of the towns I lived in. We couldn't drink tap water, it had to be bought. A pain, but better than looking like you didn't own a toothbrush!
Reply:does she prop him with a bottle in the crib at bedtime or naps? if so the sugars in the milk will stay on his teeth and cause tooth decay. this is the number one cause of tooth decay in infants. in addition to this. it is also a choking hazzard.
Reply:If he is drinking formula or milk in a bottle at night or nap time this could be causing the rotten or green looking teeth.
Reply:Yes like the previous posters said, it does sound like "bottle rot".
Reply:she should give him either beech nut or nursery water with added flouride to drink in between brest feeding because it cleans away residue , it was made specifically for that purpose , u can find it at any food's regular water just for babies
Reply:Well my sister works for a dentist. And she has told me 3 important things. 1 only brush baby's teeth with water till after 2 years. 2 Baby's should never go to bed with bottles of juice. It good balanced diet. And if she is still breast feeding, eating plenty of the right food.
Reply:Tell her before he goes to bed, either give him a little water in his bottle/sippy cup or wipe his teeth with gauze. I think they even make tooth and gum cleaner for babies..its at wal mart.
I have a 9.5 month old and I keep a few bottles of water in the mini fridge in our room, and when he wakes up through the night I give him water....because he only takes a ounce of it anyways and that way it cleans out the formula he has had in his mouth
Reply:Sugary foods, sodas,and even lemons and limes can cause that. He needs to see a dentist immediately before it becomes painful.
What did old timey people do w/all their rotten decayed teeth who lived in the mountain tops? like the waltons
you know ....... waaaaaaaaaaaaaay OUT IN THE COUNTRY and perhaps those who definately didn't have a dentist????
DID THEY GO GET A HAMMER and try to bust up the tooth themselves.
{no this isn't abt me and my teeth, just CURIOUS abt the olden not so golden days when ppl had no where to turn in some locations when in serious need of dental care, and no antibiotics.}
what usually happened to them?
What did old timey people do w/all their rotten decayed teeth who lived in the mountain tops? like the waltons
You know, even in the times of the Waltons there were dentists in most cities and towns of any size. So I doubt seriously they used a hammer. Dental care might not have been nearly so painless, but it was available and they did use penicillin and novacaine both. As far as dental treatment before that, well- again, dentists did practice even in the middle ages. Usually they got the patient drunk, and used a special pair of pliers to remove the offending tooth. I suppose in the really isolated places they would get the local blacksmith to pull it for them. I have seen in my work, in isolated places of the world, where people did not go to the dentist when it would have been advisable. Fortunately rotten teeth do eventually come out of their own accord. Abcesses even drain themselves and go away. And fortunately, in places that are that isolated, the people don't tend to eat foods that lend themselves to tooth decay. But even in the middle ages, there were dentists who traveled about and they did pull teeth. Queen Elizabeth had several teeth extracted in her later life, and survived it quite well. People had tougher immune systems back them, and fortunately alcohol was the common drink. In those days, the beer and wine were safer than water anyway, and luckily, antiseptic as well. Not to say that people didn't suffer a great deal before the tooth was removed, but I don't believe anyone actually died of the toothache or the extraction. But it does make you greatful for advances in dental care.
Reply:The life expectancy then was lower than it is now because of lack of proper medical care. I imagine they did try to remove the teeth themselves.
Reply:there was usually someone around that would pull the tooth with pliers with no other pain reliever than maybe a bottle of whiskey, and the whiskey served as a antiseptic too.
Reply:Most of them just LOST their teeth, -plain %26amp; simple. When the decay got so bad that it hurt all the time- they just found some way to pull it or knock it out... %26amp; they were fine (until the NEXT tooth that start to hurt...).
Reply:i seen in a movie once the used whiskey and pliers and hammer to take out teeth ,but who knows ,there wasnt as much soft drinks and candy for them to have alot cavities,i think they were just tougher than we are now days lol
skin cancer
DID THEY GO GET A HAMMER and try to bust up the tooth themselves.
{no this isn't abt me and my teeth, just CURIOUS abt the olden not so golden days when ppl had no where to turn in some locations when in serious need of dental care, and no antibiotics.}
what usually happened to them?
What did old timey people do w/all their rotten decayed teeth who lived in the mountain tops? like the waltons
You know, even in the times of the Waltons there were dentists in most cities and towns of any size. So I doubt seriously they used a hammer. Dental care might not have been nearly so painless, but it was available and they did use penicillin and novacaine both. As far as dental treatment before that, well- again, dentists did practice even in the middle ages. Usually they got the patient drunk, and used a special pair of pliers to remove the offending tooth. I suppose in the really isolated places they would get the local blacksmith to pull it for them. I have seen in my work, in isolated places of the world, where people did not go to the dentist when it would have been advisable. Fortunately rotten teeth do eventually come out of their own accord. Abcesses even drain themselves and go away. And fortunately, in places that are that isolated, the people don't tend to eat foods that lend themselves to tooth decay. But even in the middle ages, there were dentists who traveled about and they did pull teeth. Queen Elizabeth had several teeth extracted in her later life, and survived it quite well. People had tougher immune systems back them, and fortunately alcohol was the common drink. In those days, the beer and wine were safer than water anyway, and luckily, antiseptic as well. Not to say that people didn't suffer a great deal before the tooth was removed, but I don't believe anyone actually died of the toothache or the extraction. But it does make you greatful for advances in dental care.
Reply:The life expectancy then was lower than it is now because of lack of proper medical care. I imagine they did try to remove the teeth themselves.
Reply:there was usually someone around that would pull the tooth with pliers with no other pain reliever than maybe a bottle of whiskey, and the whiskey served as a antiseptic too.
Reply:Most of them just LOST their teeth, -plain %26amp; simple. When the decay got so bad that it hurt all the time- they just found some way to pull it or knock it out... %26amp; they were fine (until the NEXT tooth that start to hurt...).
Reply:i seen in a movie once the used whiskey and pliers and hammer to take out teeth ,but who knows ,there wasnt as much soft drinks and candy for them to have alot cavities,i think they were just tougher than we are now days lol
skin cancer
Can steroids inhalers rotten my child's teeth?
I am very concerned, a friend of mine said that because of having used inhaler steroids to treat her asthma since she was a little child, she had them all rotten by the age of 14. All her teeth has had to be crowned and now that she is 30 years old has developed a severe gum infection. All the crowns will have to be removed, clean the teeth roots underneath and put crown back. I think this is terrible and I am worried about my little daughter, will she have the same fate? Please tell me more about how steroids affect teeth.
Can steroids inhalers rotten my child's teeth?
I have taken Inhales since I was four and have never heard anything like that. My teeth are practicaly perfect apart for some genetic size problems.
Go to your dentist every six months and and brush frequently and I don't see how you would have a problem. Your friend was just unfortunate to suffer from teeth problems and blames them on the medicine.
Good Luck
Reply:I use inhalers, Not to often though and my doctor never told me of this side effect. I have to go back to him this weekend so i am going to ask.
Reply:i don't think there's a connection.
Reply:no relation of inhaled steroid with rotten tooth found.the only effect is oral thrush and that too can be relieved with medicines
Can steroids inhalers rotten my child's teeth?
I have taken Inhales since I was four and have never heard anything like that. My teeth are practicaly perfect apart for some genetic size problems.
Go to your dentist every six months and and brush frequently and I don't see how you would have a problem. Your friend was just unfortunate to suffer from teeth problems and blames them on the medicine.
Good Luck
Reply:I use inhalers, Not to often though and my doctor never told me of this side effect. I have to go back to him this weekend so i am going to ask.
Reply:i don't think there's a connection.
Reply:no relation of inhaled steroid with rotten tooth found.the only effect is oral thrush and that too can be relieved with medicines
Does chewing gum rotten your teeth?
I chew on a daily basis (after lunch). I was wondering if chewing gum is unhealthy for your teeth. Or would it just depend on what type of ingrediants are in the gum. I chew Orbit (because of the awesome flavors). Some specific answers would be greatly appreciated!
Does chewing gum rotten your teeth?
no, just chew sugar free gum and brush your teeth as often as possible.
Reply:that won't harm your teeth, its sugar free. You're fine! Just make sure you are brushing, flossing and rinsing on a daily basis
Reply:u r stuupid ofcourse it does!!!!!!! how old r u???
Reply:Actually it is good to chew sugar-free gum after meals, it gets all the residue out of your teeth and pretty much polishes them.
Reply:no its doesnt rotten ya teeth .. it rottens the gum .
Reply:I really dont know.
But in my personal opinion i think that it actually helps your teeth even though it is sugary.
But it exercises your gums.
Reply:it depends on if the gum is loaded with sugar. chewing gum or eating a peppermint is good since it helps you to produce more saliva which helps you digest your food better. i don't know if orbit is sugarless or not, but if it is, i'd say you're ok. :) its just went it's loaded with sugar is when it's a problem.
Reply:Sugar free gum doesn't...
Reply:despite what people say, chewing gum does not harm you. Dentists actually recommend it after you get your braces off because it helps strengthen your teeth after they've been straightened. As long if the gum is sugar free, you're fine.
Reply:Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out for more details.
Reply:I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just make sure it's sugarless, because you don't want the sugar sticking to your teeth. THAT could give you some problems.
Reply:Sugar free gum will not rot your teeth. It isn't good for your TMJ though. You may have some TMJ problems from the constant chewing movements.
Does chewing gum rotten your teeth?
no, just chew sugar free gum and brush your teeth as often as possible.
Reply:that won't harm your teeth, its sugar free. You're fine! Just make sure you are brushing, flossing and rinsing on a daily basis
Reply:u r stuupid ofcourse it does!!!!!!! how old r u???
Reply:Actually it is good to chew sugar-free gum after meals, it gets all the residue out of your teeth and pretty much polishes them.
Reply:no its doesnt rotten ya teeth .. it rottens the gum .
Reply:I really dont know.
But in my personal opinion i think that it actually helps your teeth even though it is sugary.
But it exercises your gums.
Reply:it depends on if the gum is loaded with sugar. chewing gum or eating a peppermint is good since it helps you to produce more saliva which helps you digest your food better. i don't know if orbit is sugarless or not, but if it is, i'd say you're ok. :) its just went it's loaded with sugar is when it's a problem.
Reply:Sugar free gum doesn't...
Reply:despite what people say, chewing gum does not harm you. Dentists actually recommend it after you get your braces off because it helps strengthen your teeth after they've been straightened. As long if the gum is sugar free, you're fine.
Reply:Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out for more details.
Reply:I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just make sure it's sugarless, because you don't want the sugar sticking to your teeth. THAT could give you some problems.
Reply:Sugar free gum will not rot your teeth. It isn't good for your TMJ though. You may have some TMJ problems from the constant chewing movements.
Will puking a couple of times on purpose make my teeth rotten.?
I know what I did was wrong but will it make my teeth rot?
Will puking a couple of times on purpose make my teeth rotten.?
if you want to puke, drink a lot of water about 1-2 liters, then puke. The water will dilute the acid inside %26amp; when it comes out it will not eat up your enamel which contains calcium..
Reply:the acid from your stomach may not be too good for your teeth-so after brush them
Reply:if you do this often, it will destroy your teeth over time. but if this was just a one time thing, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. just brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
Reply:if you look at all the other bulemics out there... their teeth are real nasty. its most likely from the stomache acid constantly showering the teeth and degrading the outer layers... which is the stuff that protects your teeth from cavities, bacteria, etc. leaves room for some REALY BAD stuff to get in there and make it rot. if you are doing this to lose weight for visual reasons... think about ur smile.
Reply:no not if you brush your teeth but it will make your breath stink
Reply:The acid from your stomach eats away at the enamel. Brush your teeth after if you are going to throw up regularly.
Reply:It will not make your teeth rot but it will erode the enamel on the tongue side of your upper teeth leading to a "shelled" appearance. The edges may then chip because they are more brittle. Lower teeth arent effected as much because the tongue covers them while purging. If you did it a few times dont worry. If this becomes a disorder you could be setting yourself up for a lifetime of dental problems.
Reply:if it was done regularly then it could damage the teeth. vomit has acids that can destroy teeth.
auto financing
Will puking a couple of times on purpose make my teeth rotten.?
if you want to puke, drink a lot of water about 1-2 liters, then puke. The water will dilute the acid inside %26amp; when it comes out it will not eat up your enamel which contains calcium..
Reply:the acid from your stomach may not be too good for your teeth-so after brush them
Reply:if you do this often, it will destroy your teeth over time. but if this was just a one time thing, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. just brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
Reply:if you look at all the other bulemics out there... their teeth are real nasty. its most likely from the stomache acid constantly showering the teeth and degrading the outer layers... which is the stuff that protects your teeth from cavities, bacteria, etc. leaves room for some REALY BAD stuff to get in there and make it rot. if you are doing this to lose weight for visual reasons... think about ur smile.
Reply:no not if you brush your teeth but it will make your breath stink
Reply:The acid from your stomach eats away at the enamel. Brush your teeth after if you are going to throw up regularly.
Reply:It will not make your teeth rot but it will erode the enamel on the tongue side of your upper teeth leading to a "shelled" appearance. The edges may then chip because they are more brittle. Lower teeth arent effected as much because the tongue covers them while purging. If you did it a few times dont worry. If this becomes a disorder you could be setting yourself up for a lifetime of dental problems.
Reply:if it was done regularly then it could damage the teeth. vomit has acids that can destroy teeth.
auto financing
They may have him get them fixed before he goes in, or they may fix them for him. When I went into boot camp a lot of the guys had never been to the dentist in their lives, so they had to have a lot of dental work done. Let your cousin know that they will probably use dental students to do the work, and they can be a bit brutal and also they will do almost all of it at once, so it might be in his best interest (less pain) to go get it done before he goes in.
Reply:How can you ask for no rude comments when you type in all capital letters?!
THIS IS THE SIGN OF A IMMATURE CHILD!!!!!one!!!1!11!!!eleven!!
Reply:The Army is so desperate for cannon-fodder they'll take him, if they think he'll pass basic. His pay will be deducted for the necessary dental work.
The Army takes felons now.
Reply:Sounds like your cousin brushes his teeth about as much as you click the caps lock off. As far as teeth, I think the military has recently adopted the "Dont smile, dont ask" policy to allow people with neandrethal (or european) oral care to join.
Reply:The condition of your cousin's teeth should have no bearing on his eligibility. The Army will take care of his teeth once he's sworn in.
Your cousin might consider going to a civilian dentist before he joins. A civilian dentist might be a little more caring than his military equivalent. I'm not saying that the army dentists aren't as good as the civilians, I'm just saying that the civilian dentist might be a wee bit more gentle.
Reply:He may be accepted to the Army if his character is moral better than his teeth.
Reply:No his teeth will not keep him from getting in. His teeth will be taken care of before he leaves or shortly after basic training and it will not cost him a penny.
Those bad teeth may cause him discomfort in basic training. If its bad enough pain they may sideline him until they fix them and he will put back into the training pipeline.
car audio
They may have him get them fixed before he goes in, or they may fix them for him. When I went into boot camp a lot of the guys had never been to the dentist in their lives, so they had to have a lot of dental work done. Let your cousin know that they will probably use dental students to do the work, and they can be a bit brutal and also they will do almost all of it at once, so it might be in his best interest (less pain) to go get it done before he goes in.
Reply:How can you ask for no rude comments when you type in all capital letters?!
THIS IS THE SIGN OF A IMMATURE CHILD!!!!!one!!!1!11!!!eleven!!
Reply:The Army is so desperate for cannon-fodder they'll take him, if they think he'll pass basic. His pay will be deducted for the necessary dental work.
The Army takes felons now.
Reply:Sounds like your cousin brushes his teeth about as much as you click the caps lock off. As far as teeth, I think the military has recently adopted the "Dont smile, dont ask" policy to allow people with neandrethal (or european) oral care to join.
Reply:The condition of your cousin's teeth should have no bearing on his eligibility. The Army will take care of his teeth once he's sworn in.
Your cousin might consider going to a civilian dentist before he joins. A civilian dentist might be a little more caring than his military equivalent. I'm not saying that the army dentists aren't as good as the civilians, I'm just saying that the civilian dentist might be a wee bit more gentle.
Reply:He may be accepted to the Army if his character is moral better than his teeth.
Reply:No his teeth will not keep him from getting in. His teeth will be taken care of before he leaves or shortly after basic training and it will not cost him a penny.
Those bad teeth may cause him discomfort in basic training. If its bad enough pain they may sideline him until they fix them and he will put back into the training pipeline.
car audio
How much money would you have to be paid to kiss a dirty filthy hobo with rotten teeth?
Someone had to ask.
The Kiss must last 5 seconds, on the lips.
The hobo can be unconscious from heavy drinking at the time.
How much money would you have to be paid to kiss a dirty filthy hobo with rotten teeth?
You know what, that's a really mean thing to ask.
Way to act superior dude. That's a person you're talking about.
Sometimes everyone needs a hug.
Reply:there isn't enough money in the world... that's like a really gross question
Reply:That is disrespectful to everyone.
Reply:$777 trillion dollars
Reply:Male $1000.00
Female $800.00
Reply:not for sale.
The Kiss must last 5 seconds, on the lips.
The hobo can be unconscious from heavy drinking at the time.
How much money would you have to be paid to kiss a dirty filthy hobo with rotten teeth?
You know what, that's a really mean thing to ask.
Way to act superior dude. That's a person you're talking about.
Sometimes everyone needs a hug.
Reply:there isn't enough money in the world... that's like a really gross question
Reply:That is disrespectful to everyone.
Reply:$777 trillion dollars
Reply:Male $1000.00
Female $800.00
Reply:not for sale.
leave them alone, they will fall off by them selves. Give some big bone to chew.
I can't tell you. I'm just wondering why your doggy has rotten teeth. Are you giving him candy?
I can't tell you. I'm just wondering why your doggy has rotten teeth. Are you giving him candy?
Why do children with Medicaid(free dental insurance) have huge cavities and rotten teeth?
Are the parents of these children to lazy to take them to the dentist.. I guess so... they are too lazy to work.
Why do children with Medicaid(free dental insurance) have huge cavities and rotten teeth?
Most parents on welfare have lower IQ's and don't understand health %26amp; hygiene as well as people with higher IQ's, they don't have the ambition, or the education. They may be depressed or on drugs and just not care about the children. The welfare system is full of dysgenic people, people who have more and more children with lower and lower IQ's. The better educated people with higher IQ's pay taxes which support them and the upper eschelon have fewer children, or no children. Eventually this country may be overrun with stupid, rotten-mouth lazy bums. Pretty sad, and scary too.
Reply:I work with people with intellectual disabilities that know the importance of dental care. It takes a long time to get to the point that you can actually get on Medicaid.Also it's hard to take time off of work when you work a job where you make so little money as to qualify. Report It
Reply:you know its really not fair for you to judge someone just because you dont understand something . its actually called (baby bottle tooth decay ) and it can happen to any ones child . it comes from allowing you child to have a bottle to often , mostly at times when the child them selves refuse to drop the bottle for the cup ,,, hope this helps
business finance
Why do children with Medicaid(free dental insurance) have huge cavities and rotten teeth?
Most parents on welfare have lower IQ's and don't understand health %26amp; hygiene as well as people with higher IQ's, they don't have the ambition, or the education. They may be depressed or on drugs and just not care about the children. The welfare system is full of dysgenic people, people who have more and more children with lower and lower IQ's. The better educated people with higher IQ's pay taxes which support them and the upper eschelon have fewer children, or no children. Eventually this country may be overrun with stupid, rotten-mouth lazy bums. Pretty sad, and scary too.
Reply:I work with people with intellectual disabilities that know the importance of dental care. It takes a long time to get to the point that you can actually get on Medicaid.Also it's hard to take time off of work when you work a job where you make so little money as to qualify. Report It
Reply:you know its really not fair for you to judge someone just because you dont understand something . its actually called (baby bottle tooth decay ) and it can happen to any ones child . it comes from allowing you child to have a bottle to often , mostly at times when the child them selves refuse to drop the bottle for the cup ,,, hope this helps
business finance
What is the correct name for the dental procedure when they fix rotten teeth?
What is the correct name for the dental procedure when they fix rotten teeth?
That depends on what they do to them. Root canal, crown,
extraction, amalgam or composite filling, etc. Lots of things you can do to a rotten tooth, depending on how bad it is.
Reply:root canale
Reply:Restorative: fix
Extraction: remove
car makes
What is the correct name for the dental procedure when they fix rotten teeth?
That depends on what they do to them. Root canal, crown,
extraction, amalgam or composite filling, etc. Lots of things you can do to a rotten tooth, depending on how bad it is.
Reply:root canale
Reply:Restorative: fix
Extraction: remove
car makes
If everything else is right then can you kiss someone with rotten teeth?
No way.
If everything else is right then can you kiss someone with rotten teeth?
not in a million years, how can everything be right with a dirty SOB???
Reply:Umm, no I really couldn't. That would be pretty disgusting.
Reply:I guess you could but why would you want to?
Reply:Nope. No way. No how. Ewwwwww
Reply:Sure you can. I used to have a very good girl who was a great person, but her teeth were pretty jacked. It looked like she had been gargling rocks.
Anyway, her breath would smell really bad. Especially in the morning. Some people have posted here that that's nasty, but it often depends were the person is from.
My girlfriend was from a small, poor, war torn country. She didn't have access to good dental care, so a lot of her teeth were rotten. She had fillings on almost all of her back teeth. It wasn't her fault, so I would kiss her anyway. She was very self conscious of it, but I told her not to worry about it.
Reply:well i dont have the nicest teeth either. i have braces but i was born without half of my adult teeth. its not about looks AT ALL if u find someone that you can connect with WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR TEETH stop being so shallow people. if you are comfortable with it all the power to you.
Reply:No I could not. It's not a matter of simply bad breath, or being shallow....But rather a matter of health. Strongly suggest that you know an excellent dentist if he/she is interested. Only one who cares would mention such. Anyone else would simply avoid him/her.
Reply:if its just one kiss... maybe after a couple mouth-wash rinses... and definately closing your eyes... and no frenching.
or on second thought, i think i'd just pass.
Reply:depends.. are you just talking about the canine teeth.. they are first to rott.. then yeah.. if your talking every single one of them.. and they smell no.. now if your talking about a lot of missing.. then ex had over half of his missing..
If everything else is right then can you kiss someone with rotten teeth?
not in a million years, how can everything be right with a dirty SOB???
Reply:Umm, no I really couldn't. That would be pretty disgusting.
Reply:I guess you could but why would you want to?
Reply:Nope. No way. No how. Ewwwwww
Reply:Sure you can. I used to have a very good girl who was a great person, but her teeth were pretty jacked. It looked like she had been gargling rocks.
Anyway, her breath would smell really bad. Especially in the morning. Some people have posted here that that's nasty, but it often depends were the person is from.
My girlfriend was from a small, poor, war torn country. She didn't have access to good dental care, so a lot of her teeth were rotten. She had fillings on almost all of her back teeth. It wasn't her fault, so I would kiss her anyway. She was very self conscious of it, but I told her not to worry about it.
Reply:well i dont have the nicest teeth either. i have braces but i was born without half of my adult teeth. its not about looks AT ALL if u find someone that you can connect with WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR TEETH stop being so shallow people. if you are comfortable with it all the power to you.
Reply:No I could not. It's not a matter of simply bad breath, or being shallow....But rather a matter of health. Strongly suggest that you know an excellent dentist if he/she is interested. Only one who cares would mention such. Anyone else would simply avoid him/her.
Reply:if its just one kiss... maybe after a couple mouth-wash rinses... and definately closing your eyes... and no frenching.
or on second thought, i think i'd just pass.
Reply:depends.. are you just talking about the canine teeth.. they are first to rott.. then yeah.. if your talking every single one of them.. and they smell no.. now if your talking about a lot of missing.. then ex had over half of his missing..
Would a person that is 54 years old that has yellow rotten teeth, long thick grayish-white hair on their?
forearm (they consistently pick and pluck), no true employment, no insurance of any kind, no retirement, drives old rusted heaps, be considered material as a player?
Would a person that is 54 years old that has yellow rotten teeth, long thick grayish-white hair on their?
What is wrong with you?
Reply:i dont know why you asking the public?
Reply:I hope so...for my own sake.
Reply:poker player, maybe.
Reply:oh yeah definitly. freak
Reply:yes a player on the "scrub" team
Reply:only if hes filthy rich
Reply:they would in my ideal world. not because i am one, just because i like seeing old people get laid.
Reply:Maybe somewhere in the Smokie Mountain region.
Reply:what the hell
Reply:I believe there is someone for everybody out there, everyone has a soul mate
Reply:um...........lemme think bout that................NO
Reply:What exactly is a player? If it is a person 54, yellow rotten teeth,grayish-white hair on the forearm, no employment, no insurance, no retirement, and drives an old heap and he dates ladies with the same interests and values, then I guess so. How do you know so much about this guy?
Reply:that's just gross.
Would a person that is 54 years old that has yellow rotten teeth, long thick grayish-white hair on their?
What is wrong with you?
Reply:i dont know why you asking the public?
Reply:I hope so...for my own sake.
Reply:poker player, maybe.
Reply:oh yeah definitly. freak
Reply:yes a player on the "scrub" team
Reply:only if hes filthy rich
Reply:they would in my ideal world. not because i am one, just because i like seeing old people get laid.
Reply:Maybe somewhere in the Smokie Mountain region.
Reply:what the hell
Reply:I believe there is someone for everybody out there, everyone has a soul mate
Reply:um...........lemme think bout that................NO
Reply:What exactly is a player? If it is a person 54, yellow rotten teeth,grayish-white hair on the forearm, no employment, no insurance, no retirement, and drives an old heap and he dates ladies with the same interests and values, then I guess so. How do you know so much about this guy?
Reply:that's just gross.
What should I do? I have nappy hair, a peeling face, rotten teeth, and a glazed eye?
What should I do? I have nappy hair, a peeling face, rotten teeth, and a glazed eye?
Make yet another Screamer and forward it to your "friends" ;)
Reply:take the dam mask off
halloween is over!!!!!
Reply:A day at the exorcism spa might do you some good!!! Hee;Hee......
Reply:I sorta think you're hot.......wink
Reply:WTF dont remind me of that movie
Reply:walk around scaring people or invite yourself to childrens birthday partys and tell them you want to eat them
Reply:When the problems are so evident why are you asking us? I would of course start with the teeth. These are for your health, you have to have good teeth for good health. Whatever is peeling your face has to be addressed. Have you been to a doctor? I would suggest a good doctor to start with. Get medication for this.
Is your glazed eye something that can be cured? I mean is it a wound or is it an old wound that healed. You can wear a eye patch, or, have a doctor look at this also.
The hair is for looks. I would take care of the other problems first, then look at the hair. Good luck
Reply:Find a blind guy, (typical USC chick?).....
Reply:See a priest quickly. Warning!!! Can lead to projectile vomiting! Also , remove any ouija boards from the home and put away all crucifixes. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Reply:go get an old priest and a young priest.
Reply:Get off the drugs!!!
Reply:1) Close all windows applications.
2) Reach around back of computer.
3) Locate Ethernet cord.
4) Pull cord.
Reply:Dear sweety
No matter what u look like i will always luv ya
form mommy dearest.
Ps your daddy was no prize to look at either its his fault u know.
Reply:what is your number
What should I do? I have nappy hair, a peeling face, rotten teeth, and a glazed eye?
Make yet another Screamer and forward it to your "friends" ;)
Reply:take the dam mask off
halloween is over!!!!!
Reply:A day at the exorcism spa might do you some good!!! Hee;Hee......
Reply:I sorta think you're hot.......wink
Reply:WTF dont remind me of that movie
Reply:walk around scaring people or invite yourself to childrens birthday partys and tell them you want to eat them
Reply:When the problems are so evident why are you asking us? I would of course start with the teeth. These are for your health, you have to have good teeth for good health. Whatever is peeling your face has to be addressed. Have you been to a doctor? I would suggest a good doctor to start with. Get medication for this.
Is your glazed eye something that can be cured? I mean is it a wound or is it an old wound that healed. You can wear a eye patch, or, have a doctor look at this also.
The hair is for looks. I would take care of the other problems first, then look at the hair. Good luck
Reply:Find a blind guy, (typical USC chick?).....
Reply:See a priest quickly. Warning!!! Can lead to projectile vomiting! Also , remove any ouija boards from the home and put away all crucifixes. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Reply:go get an old priest and a young priest.
Reply:Get off the drugs!!!
Reply:1) Close all windows applications.
2) Reach around back of computer.
3) Locate Ethernet cord.
4) Pull cord.
Reply:Dear sweety
No matter what u look like i will always luv ya
form mommy dearest.
Ps your daddy was no prize to look at either its his fault u know.
Reply:what is your number
This guy i know smells like butt and has rotten teeth. Should I go out with him or tell him he smells like sh
Does this mean you are going to leave your man of 17 years? Those video games must REALLY be getting on your nerves.
Do men ever grow from playing video games?
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1 In Psychology - Asked by lias b - 6 answers - 2 weeks ago - Resolved
Are taurus men fun?
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Is my man playing video games at night to avoid being with me?
In Singles %26amp; Dating - Asked by lias b - 16 answers - 2 weeks ago - Resolved
How do i know if my man is still interested in me after 17 years?
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Why would a 36 year old man be obsessed with video games?
In Video %26amp; Online Games - Asked by lias b - 13 answers - 3 weeks ago - Resolved
Do fibroids have hair and teeth? someone said this to me. it sounds kind of flaky?
This guy i know smells like butt and has rotten teeth. Should I go out with him or tell him he smells like sh
Grow up!
performing arts
Do men ever grow from playing video games?
In Video %26amp; Online Games - Asked by lias b - 7 answers - 1 week ago - In Voting
Why are some people unable to show emotion and concern for others.?
1 In Psychology - Asked by lias b - 6 answers - 2 weeks ago - Resolved
Are taurus men fun?
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Is my man playing video games at night to avoid being with me?
In Singles %26amp; Dating - Asked by lias b - 16 answers - 2 weeks ago - Resolved
How do i know if my man is still interested in me after 17 years?
In Singles %26amp; Dating - Asked by lias b - 1 answer - 2 weeks ago - Resolved
Why would a 36 year old man be obsessed with video games?
In Video %26amp; Online Games - Asked by lias b - 13 answers - 3 weeks ago - Resolved
Do fibroids have hair and teeth? someone said this to me. it sounds kind of flaky?
This guy i know smells like butt and has rotten teeth. Should I go out with him or tell him he smells like sh
Grow up!
performing arts
Why do drug addicts always seem to have rotten teeth?
Drugs such as METHAMPHETAMINE rob the body of nutrients. Add that to the lack of desire to care for oneself when strung out, and there you have it.
Why do drug addicts always seem to have rotten teeth?
If it comes down to a choice between more drugs or dental care, what do you think they are gonna pick? LOL
Reply:Because they don't eat right and the drugs probably effect their nutrition
Reply:A lot of drugs that are burned and inhaled have corrosive chemicals that attack the enamel in the teeth.
Reply:it might be because DOPE has become the MOST important thing in their lives...
Reply:The drugs make them stupid so they forget to take care of the basic things. Plus the drugs take nutrients away from the body and chemicals in some drugs do direct damage to enamel on the outside of teeth and gums.
Reply:Because the drugs take over their life and they don't make time for personal hygiene.
Reply:i am an addict but my teeth are fine. maybe some just don't brush 'em through pure laziness
Reply:The extreme heat from some drugs (smoking crack, etc.) overheats the teeth and they craze and crack, opening them up to decay. That and poor nutrution and non-existent hygiene all together is a recipe for rotten teeth.
Reply:I work in this area. By the time I see my clients they have already been in withdrawal for a while. Without fail they find that the opiates have masked all physical pain - if it isn't bad teeth - because some pople do try to look after themselves - it can be undiscovered injuries or absecesses. These suddenly take on a major importance in the clients lives as they have to deal with cravings and the extra pain which they have been able to fade out with the drugs. There are rumours that methadone leeches into the teeth and bones - this is not true. Sugar free methadone is usually used to prevent dental caries.
Reply:Drugs dry the oral cavity, decay sets in, and saliva is then unavailable to help in fighting off bacteria. Becuase of the dehydration, drug users typically turn to sodas to quench their thirst, this furthers the decay of an alreay vulnerable cavity.
They've coined a new term called "Meth Mouth". Do a google search on this term and you will learn even more.
hair talk
Why do drug addicts always seem to have rotten teeth?
If it comes down to a choice between more drugs or dental care, what do you think they are gonna pick? LOL
Reply:Because they don't eat right and the drugs probably effect their nutrition
Reply:A lot of drugs that are burned and inhaled have corrosive chemicals that attack the enamel in the teeth.
Reply:it might be because DOPE has become the MOST important thing in their lives...
Reply:The drugs make them stupid so they forget to take care of the basic things. Plus the drugs take nutrients away from the body and chemicals in some drugs do direct damage to enamel on the outside of teeth and gums.
Reply:Because the drugs take over their life and they don't make time for personal hygiene.
Reply:i am an addict but my teeth are fine. maybe some just don't brush 'em through pure laziness
Reply:The extreme heat from some drugs (smoking crack, etc.) overheats the teeth and they craze and crack, opening them up to decay. That and poor nutrution and non-existent hygiene all together is a recipe for rotten teeth.
Reply:I work in this area. By the time I see my clients they have already been in withdrawal for a while. Without fail they find that the opiates have masked all physical pain - if it isn't bad teeth - because some pople do try to look after themselves - it can be undiscovered injuries or absecesses. These suddenly take on a major importance in the clients lives as they have to deal with cravings and the extra pain which they have been able to fade out with the drugs. There are rumours that methadone leeches into the teeth and bones - this is not true. Sugar free methadone is usually used to prevent dental caries.
Reply:Drugs dry the oral cavity, decay sets in, and saliva is then unavailable to help in fighting off bacteria. Becuase of the dehydration, drug users typically turn to sodas to quench their thirst, this furthers the decay of an alreay vulnerable cavity.
They've coined a new term called "Meth Mouth". Do a google search on this term and you will learn even more.
hair talk
Can you get braces with almost rotten teeth?
Can you get braces with almost rotten teeth?
No. The teeth would have to be taken care of first. The reason, your rotten teeth could not withstand the tightening of the braces to straighten the teeth.
Reply:Get the teeth worked on first--then worry about braces.
Reply:No, your teeth have to be in sound condition.
Reply:Nope youll have to have them worked on. Dentures may be the way to go.
Reply:Why would you want to? You don't paint a rusty car. Get em fixed first, or just get false teeth.
small business
Can you get braces with almost rotten teeth?
No. The teeth would have to be taken care of first. The reason, your rotten teeth could not withstand the tightening of the braces to straighten the teeth.
Reply:Get the teeth worked on first--then worry about braces.
Reply:No, your teeth have to be in sound condition.
Reply:Nope youll have to have them worked on. Dentures may be the way to go.
Reply:Why would you want to? You don't paint a rusty car. Get em fixed first, or just get false teeth.
small business
Would you trust a dentist with rotten teeth?
YES, i think that it shows that he is so busy helping other people that he has no time for himself. Why else would he be busy but because he is so good everyone wants him. It is the patients before teeth that you want to look at more then him. I for one have never met a dentist with bad teeeth.
Would you trust a dentist with rotten teeth?
Hmmm... about as much as I'd trust a barber with a dodgy haircut!
Reply:I don't trust them anyway
What a carreer choice
Reply:No, never. I'd doubt his skill if he can't even take care his own teeth.
Reply:About as much as I'd trust an explosives expert with an eye patch, hook for a hand and peg leg, named "Lucky"
Reply:Umm, no!! I left a dentist because he had bad breath, rotten teeth is even worse!
Reply:1.No because he or she must be role example to others by cleaning the teeth and should be clean and tidy.
Reply:Absolutely not. Although having said that, the real incompetent dentist would be whoever treats his teeth, as obviously he can't work on his own mouth.
Reply:lol they cant do there own teeth ya no mate
Reply:No way! If that can't look after their own teeth how can I trust them to look after mine.
makeup games
Would you trust a dentist with rotten teeth?
Hmmm... about as much as I'd trust a barber with a dodgy haircut!
Reply:I don't trust them anyway
What a carreer choice
Reply:No, never. I'd doubt his skill if he can't even take care his own teeth.
Reply:About as much as I'd trust an explosives expert with an eye patch, hook for a hand and peg leg, named "Lucky"
Reply:Umm, no!! I left a dentist because he had bad breath, rotten teeth is even worse!
Reply:1.No because he or she must be role example to others by cleaning the teeth and should be clean and tidy.
Reply:Absolutely not. Although having said that, the real incompetent dentist would be whoever treats his teeth, as obviously he can't work on his own mouth.
Reply:lol they cant do there own teeth ya no mate
Reply:No way! If that can't look after their own teeth how can I trust them to look after mine.
makeup games
What kind of candy should the tooth fairy leave for rotten teeth?
What kind of candy should the tooth fairy leave for rotten teeth?
Reply:Sugar daddies
Reply:the sweetest most unhealthy candy there is, because apparntly that is what the person with the rotten teeth liked
Reply:Taffy or caramel most definitely.
Reply:Sugar free gum....maybe pennies.
Reply:Gummi worms ;-)
Reply:Heath bars!! It took me a week to eat just one of those and that's when my teeth were healthy.
Reply:Rock candy, cotton candy, Pixie Stix, Lemon drops, Sugar canes, Gobstoppers
Reply:who on earth would have rotten teeth in their thoughts? unless............
hair tips
What kind of candy should the tooth fairy leave for rotten teeth?
Reply:Sugar daddies
Reply:the sweetest most unhealthy candy there is, because apparntly that is what the person with the rotten teeth liked
Reply:Taffy or caramel most definitely.
Reply:Sugar free gum....maybe pennies.
Reply:Gummi worms ;-)
Reply:Heath bars!! It took me a week to eat just one of those and that's when my teeth were healthy.
Reply:Rock candy, cotton candy, Pixie Stix, Lemon drops, Sugar canes, Gobstoppers
Reply:who on earth would have rotten teeth in their thoughts? unless............
hair tips
How come Brits have such rotten teeth?
At first I thought it was a big joke, but the more Limeys I meet, the more I see jack-o-lantern type grills. I've always thought the Brits had a distinguished approach to life but it doesn't seem like they care much about oral hygeine.
And I don't even want to get into their breath. BLECCH!
I'm not trying to perpetuate a stereotype in ANY way but it seems like all the British people I meet ARE. Can someone shed some light on this?
How come Brits have such rotten teeth?
There was a garbage strike in the 70's, and because all the trash piled into the streets they had to so something, fast. so The best idea they came up with was to eat it;and sadly their teeth have
Reply:This stereotype is slowly changing. Brits do not all have bad teeth anymore.
Every country has rich and poor, and usually the poor have bad dental health.
Reply:maybe they enjoy stoppng cars....
Reply:they smoke their as*es off
Reply:I think that they are just now starting to focuse on Oral Hygen over there so most of the Adults you have met there parents were not as worried about it as we have
Reply:gee have you been to the south in the U.S ? A good pick up line to meet someone is "nice tooth".
Reply:We Brits drink lots of strong tea that leaves a brown stain on the teeth. We also have a terrible dentistry service that charge far more than they should so lot of us go without proper dental care.
Reply:they smoke and drink
Reply:Too much candy i guess
interest rate
And I don't even want to get into their breath. BLECCH!
I'm not trying to perpetuate a stereotype in ANY way but it seems like all the British people I meet ARE. Can someone shed some light on this?
How come Brits have such rotten teeth?
There was a garbage strike in the 70's, and because all the trash piled into the streets they had to so something, fast. so The best idea they came up with was to eat it;and sadly their teeth have
Reply:This stereotype is slowly changing. Brits do not all have bad teeth anymore.
Every country has rich and poor, and usually the poor have bad dental health.
Reply:maybe they enjoy stoppng cars....
Reply:they smoke their as*es off
Reply:I think that they are just now starting to focuse on Oral Hygen over there so most of the Adults you have met there parents were not as worried about it as we have
Reply:gee have you been to the south in the U.S ? A good pick up line to meet someone is "nice tooth".
Reply:We Brits drink lots of strong tea that leaves a brown stain on the teeth. We also have a terrible dentistry service that charge far more than they should so lot of us go without proper dental care.
Reply:they smoke and drink
Reply:Too much candy i guess
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