Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All of my baby's front teeth are rotten already and he is just 1 yr old and 3 mos?

should i bring him now to the dentist?

seems that the enamel was dissolved already

All of my baby's front teeth are rotten already and he is just 1 yr old and 3 mos?
Reply:Yes you need to take him to the dentist! Don't wait until the teeth start hurting or abscess or something. My niece went when she was about a year old and everything went great.
Reply:Are you putting him to bed with a bottle? That's a major cause of baby tooth decay. You should defiunitely bring him to the dentist before infection sets in.
Reply:Definitely take him to a pediatric dentist. This should not be happening at such a young age for any reason. He could have some type of deficiency.
Reply:Baby bottle mouth is the most likely cause of this.

Please read this article from the American Dental Association:

Even though they are just primary teeth, they are important!! Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because other teeth will come in later, these teeth won't cause problems. Rotten teeth hurt, no matter how small they are.

Ask your child's doctor for a recommendation or ask your own dentist. Then, take your child as soon as possible. This is an emergency situation and should not wait.
Reply:get rid of the bottle! and take him to the dentist. there is no reason for a child to be on a bottle after a year old, once they can drink out of a cup they don't need the bottle anymore, its hard to do i know , they love it so much!
Reply:yes...he needs to see a dentist now. you most likely arent taking good care of his mouth. do you brush his teeth everyday? because you need to. do you put him to bed with a bottle? buecause if you do thats the biggest mistake ever. if his teeth are bad already its going to affect the way his permanent teeth will come in when he gets older.

my dog

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