Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rotten tooth?

I just got my braces taken off the other day and when the orthodontist took the metal ring off one of my back teeth it was really sore and he said there was a big cavity in it and I'd have to go to the dentist.

It's still hurting a lot and I loooked in the mirror and it looks really rotten where the ring was, the front side of it has kind of broken off when he pulled the ring off the tooth and it's all kind of brown round about it.

Will the dentist be able to put a filling in it or will I need to get it pulled out? The orthodontist said it was quite bad and I had to go to the dentist this week sometime. And how did it happen? I brushed my teeth all the time when I had my braces on.

Rotten tooth?
The only person who can tell you if you need to have your tooth removed is a dentist who can actually see your tooth. Please ignore all the answers saying that you need your tooth pulled, because these people are not dentists and they can't evaluate your tooth without seeing it. If you don't have a toothache, I doubt it will have to be pulled. In fact, if you are willing to have the nerve removed (WORST CASE!!!), I am sure it won't have to be removed.
Reply:If its rotten it may need to be pulled.
Reply:Possibly have to have it pulled out hunny, doesnt sound good, they may fill it but it will be a huge filling, i had the same happen and now have a gap where my tooth once was, when he explained how big the filling would be and that it wouldnt last long i decided it would be quicker and easier to get rid.

Quite brave for someone who has a big fear of dentist!
Reply:i dont know how it happend but you should go to orthodontist asap, and i think also that your orth is kinda not good , coz mine always fixes tooths of his customers when he noticed that there is something wrong.

so dont sit in front of PC go to detist. Its your tooth!! you wont have another!
Reply:Unfortunately, if the nerve is dead or it's too far gone, you'll probably need a root canal(cost: $1200-3000USD) and perhaps a "cap"(another 2 grand) yikes! Didn't he see this happening when he was checking your teeth out all these months? Doesn't sound like a very good Doc to me...
Reply:Go see your dentist again.
Reply:wow, I had that happen on both my bottom back molars. It sounds like you aren't going to be lucky enough to just have it filled. Since you just got braces off, either you have good insurance or your parents have a desent amount of money which means you will most likley be getting a ROOT CANAL. What this will do is 1) Save your tooth 2) cut off feelings from the tooth %26amp; 3) cost a LOT of money It will hurt, but less than actually having a tooth pulled ( I should know I've had a root canal %26amp; my wisdom teeth pulled %26amp; 2 others when i was a kid cuz they were extra or something). It is NO fun, but not the worst thing to have happen in your mouth. Good luck %26amp; try not to worry about it too much.
Reply:Hi,, sometimes things just happen for no good reason,, i found a small cavity yesterday myself....

Brushing helps,, but sometimes ,, why I dont know,, you just still get a cavity,, I agree with your Ortho guy,,, go to the dentist as soon as possible,,, let him determine what to do.... if they can , they will put in a filling,,, if it is too big and bad,,, they can do a root canal and put on a crown ... and No, the root canal does Not hurt,,,, i promise you.. i have had several .....

If you dont go ,, soon the decay will attact the nerve in the tooth and an abcess will arise and you will have a tooth ache....then thats no fun....

Good luck.....
Reply:get it pulled, it sounds to far gone to be repaired.
Reply:Depending on how your tooth looks like (bad),tell them to save it first, .with fillings , pull out is the last resort
Reply:go to the dentist asap.the longer you leave the problem the worse it may get.With any luck the dentist may be able to save your any case your dentist is the only one who can sort your tooth out.

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