Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can steroids inhalers rotten my child's teeth?

I am very concerned, a friend of mine said that because of having used inhaler steroids to treat her asthma since she was a little child, she had them all rotten by the age of 14. All her teeth has had to be crowned and now that she is 30 years old has developed a severe gum infection. All the crowns will have to be removed, clean the teeth roots underneath and put crown back. I think this is terrible and I am worried about my little daughter, will she have the same fate? Please tell me more about how steroids affect teeth.

Can steroids inhalers rotten my child's teeth?
I have taken Inhales since I was four and have never heard anything like that. My teeth are practicaly perfect apart for some genetic size problems.

Go to your dentist every six months and and brush frequently and I don't see how you would have a problem. Your friend was just unfortunate to suffer from teeth problems and blames them on the medicine.

Good Luck
Reply:I use inhalers, Not to often though and my doctor never told me of this side effect. I have to go back to him this weekend so i am going to ask.
Reply:i don't think there's a connection.
Reply:no relation of inhaled steroid with rotten tooth found.the only effect is oral thrush and that too can be relieved with medicines


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