Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I pull my rotten tooth at home?

I have a chisel, hammer, shotgun shell, tire iron and a midget..

How do I pull my rotten tooth at home?
Place shotgun shell in vise. Have midged stand behind vise with a tire iron. Put chisel against your cheek next to your rotten tooth. Have midget whap the back of the shotgun shell with the tire iron. Make sure most of the scatter shot is aimed at the chisel. Don't forget to close your eyes.
Reply:the midget might help.

haha, no really, if your have a "rotten tooth" just check out your dentist
Reply:Rinse out your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Take 2 tylenol and a drink of whiskey - take a pair of pliers, clean them with hydrogen peroxide. Pull the thing out of there. Put some clean guaze on it, take 2 more tylenol and go to bed. duh.
Reply:easier to tie one end of very thin steel wire around the tooth and the other end to one of the fins on one of your car's radiator fans. start her up.
Reply:yikes....... you just made my teeth hurt


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