Friday, July 31, 2009

Sorry - more wisdom teeth questions?

Once I get my (rotten, sorry TMI) wisdom teeth removed, will my breath be better..lately it's been kinda....rank. Once again, sorry for sharing the details. thanks for everyone's help, I know I'm a pain in the butt. :)

Sorry - more wisdom teeth questions?
I think that is a great question.

The answer is yes or maybe no.

Once the infection is gone you will no longer have that horrible taste or that infectious breath.

Bad breath can also be caused by a number of things, like food you eat or bacterial growth in your mouth.

If you do experience bad breath after the surgery, brush your tongue or buy a tongue scraper. This will do the trick!
Reply:Yes, if rotten teeth are removed, your breath will freshen up once the bacteria has dissipated.
Reply:mine got better as soon as i was able to brush my teeth
Reply:most likley but you should have your tonsils checked out too
Reply:For sure it will help your problem! Get those Decayed teeth out and you will be smelling great! Good Luck
Reply:what the question
Reply:rotten teeth are dead...if you have something dead in your mouth then obviously you breath is going to smell dead too
Reply:yes it will.if it doesn`t completly i would see the dentist again and let him see if he can find another problem.

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